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TextSelection Methods

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The TextSelection type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Backspace Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public method Cancel Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public method ChangeCase Changes the case of the text selection.
Public method CharLeft Moves the object the specified number of characters to the left.
Public method CharRight Moves the object the specified number of characters to the right.
Public method ClearBookmark Clears any unnamed bookmarks in the current text buffer line.
Public method Collapse Collapses the text selection to the active point.
Public method Copy Copies the text selection to the clipboard.
Public method Cut Copies the text selection to the clipboard and deletes it from its original location.
Public method Delete Deletes the text selection.
Public method DeleteLeft Deletes a specified number of characters to the left of the active point.
Public method DeleteWhitespace Deletes the empty characters (white space) horizontally or vertically around the current location in the text buffer.
Public method DestructiveInsert Inserts text, overwriting the existing text.
Public method EndOfDocument Moves the object to the end of the document.
Public method EndOfLine Moves the object to the end of the current line.
Public method FindPattern Searches for the given pattern from the active point to the end of the document.
Public method FindText Searches for the given text from the active point to the end of the document.
Public method GotoLine Moves to the beginning of the indicated line and selects the line if requested.
Public method Indent Indents the selected lines by the given number of indentation levels.
Public method Insert Inserts the given string at the current insertion point.
Public method InsertFromFile Inserts the contents of the specified file at the current location in the buffer.
Public method LineDown Moves the insertion point of the text selection down the specified number of lines.
Public method LineUp Moves the insertion point of the text selection up the specified number of lines.
Public method MoveTo Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public method MoveToAbsoluteOffset Moves the active point to the given 1-based absolute character offset.
Public method MoveToDisplayColumn Moves the active point to the indicated display column.
Public method MoveToLineAndOffset Moves the active point to the given position.
Public method MoveToPoint Moves the active point to the given position.
Public method NewLine Inserts a line break character at the active point.
Public method NextBookmark Moves to the location of the next bookmark in the document.
Public method OutlineSection Creates an outlining section based on the current selection.
Public method PadToColumn Fills the current line in the buffer with empty characters (white space) to the given column.
Public method PageDown Moves the active point a specified number of pages down in the document, scrolling the view.
Public method PageUp Moves the active point a specified number of pages up in the document, scrolling the view.
Public method Paste Inserts the clipboard contents at the current location.
Public method PreviousBookmark Moves the text selection to the location of the previous bookmark in the document.
Public method ReplacePattern Replaces matching text throughout an entire text document.
Public method ReplaceText Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public method SelectAll Selects the entire document.
Public method SelectLine Selects the line containing the active point.
Public method SetBookmark Sets an unnamed bookmark on the current line in the buffer.
Public method SmartFormat Formats the selected lines of text based on the current language.
Public method StartOfDocument Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the document.
Public method StartOfLine Moves the object to the beginning of the current line.
Public method SwapAnchor Exchanges the position of the active and the anchor points.
Public method Tabify Converts spaces to tabs in the selection according to your tab settings.
Public method Unindent Removes indents from the text selection by the number of indentation levels given.
Public method Untabify Converts tabs to spaces in the selection according to the user's tab settings.
Public method WordLeft Moves the text selection left the specified number of words.
Public method WordRight Moves the text selection right the specified number of words.


See Also


TextSelection Interface

EnvDTE Namespace