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Compiler Error C2693

'operator' : illegal comparison for references to a managed array

You cannot test a managed array for any kind of inequality. For example, you can test to see if managed arrays are equal but you cannot test to see if one array is greater or less than another array.

Managed Extensions for C++

You cannot test a __gc array for any kind of inequality. For example, you can test to see if managed arrays are equal but you cannot test to see if one array is greater or less than another array.

The following sample generates C2693:

// C2693b.cpp
// compile with: /clr:oldSyntax /c
#using <mscorlib.dll>
int func3(int a __gc[], int b __gc[]) {
   return a < b;    // C2693
int func1(int a __gc[], int b __gc[]) {
   return a != b;   // OK

int func2(int a __gc[], int b __gc[]) {
   return a == b;   // OK