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Debugging Workflows

If you are using Visual Studio for Windows Workflow Foundation, you can debug your workflow like any other program by setting breakpoints, attaching to processes, and examining threads and the call stack. You also have the option of debugging remotely.

Windows Workflow Foundation integrates with the following standard Visual Studio debug windows:

  • Breakpoint: Works as expected, but you specify an activity for the function name.
  • Call Stack: Modified to provide an outline of the activities that have executed in a workflow instance. The entries in the Call Stack window are a depth-first search of executing activities. You can double-click an entry to put focus on the selected activity.
  • Threads: Provides the instance ID of the workflow instance that is being debugged.

Visual Studio for Windows Workflow Foundation does not support the following debugging features:

  • Conditional breakpoints on the designer surface.
  • QuickWatch.
  • Set next statement.
  • Run to cursor.
  • Edit and continue.
  • Just-in-time debugging.
  • Mixed-mode debugging.

In This Section

Invoking the Visual Studio Debugger for Windows Workflow Foundation

Disabling the Visual Studio Debugger for Windows Workflow Foundation

How to: Debug ASP.NET-Based Workflows

How to: Set Breakpoints in Workflows

Debugging Workflows from a Remote Computer

Debug Stepping Options

How to: Change the Debug Stepping Option

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