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Microsoft.FSharp.Collections Namespace (F#)

This namespace contains some common collections in an object-oriented style well suited for use from F#.

Namespace/Module Path: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections

Assembly: FSharp.Core (in FSharp.Core.dll)

namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Collections




module Array

Basic operations on arrays.

module Array2D

Basic operations on 2-dimensional arrays.

module Array3D

Basic operations on rank 3 arrays.

module Array4D

Basic operations on rank 4 arrays.

module ComparisonIdentity

Common notions of comparison identity used with sorted data structures.

module HashIdentity

Common notions of value identity used with hash tables.

module List

Basic operations on lists.

module Map

Functional programming operators related to the Map type.

module Seq

Basic operations on enumerable collections.

module Set

Functional programming operators related to the Set type.

Type Definitions



type List<'T>

The type of immutable singly-linked lists.

type Map< 'Key, 'Value>

Immutable maps. Keys are ordered by F# generic comparison.

type Set< 'T>

Immutable sets based on binary trees, where comparison is the F# structural comparison function, potentially using implementations of the IComparable interface on key values.

Type Abbreviations



type list<'T>

An abbreviation for the type of immutable singly-linked lists.

type ResizeArray<'T>

An abbreviation for the CLI type List.

type seq<'T>

An abbreviation for the CLI type IEnumerable

See Also

Other Resources

F# Core Library Reference