.gif) |
AccessCheckException |
Exception that is thrown for an access check error. |
.gif) |
AccessControlEntry |
Class for encapsulating the allowed and denied permissions for a given IdentityDescriptor. |
.gif) |
AccessControlList |
The AccessControlList class is meant to associate a set of AccessControlEntries with a security token and its inheritance settings. It is important to note that the AccessControlList class does not talk to a web service when its methods are called. It provides a staging area for changes to the AccessControlEntries for a secured token. Once changes are made to an AccessControlList it can be saved to the web service by passing it into a SecurityNamespace. |
.gif) |
AccessMapping |
Holds an access point to a Team Foundation Server and meta data about it. |
.gif) |
AccessMappingNotRegisteredException |
Thrown when an access mapping is not registered. |
.gif) |
AccountPreferencesAlreadyExistException |
.gif) |
AceExtendedInformation |
Holds the inherited and effective permission information for a given AccessControlEntry. |
.gif) |
AcquireDatabasePartitionException |
.gif) |
ActionDefinition |
Definition for an action. |
.gif) |
ActionDeniedBySubscriberException |
Exception for an action that was denied by the subscriber. |
.gif) |
ActiveDirectoryAccessException |
.gif) |
AddGroupMemberIllegalInternetIdentityException |
.gif) |
AddGroupMemberIllegalMemberException |
Thrown when an illegal member is added to a group. |
.gif) |
AddGroupMemberIllegalWindowsIdentityException |
.gif) |
AddGroupMemberOverLicenseLimitException |
Thrown when the number of members in a group exceeds license limitations. |
.gif) |
AddMemberCyclicMembershipException |
Thrown when adding a member to a group to which it already has cyclic membership. |
.gif) |
AddMemberEveryoneException |
Thrown when attempting to add the Everyone member to a group. |
.gif) |
AddMemberGroupMissingException |
Thrown when attempting to add a member to a missing group. |
.gif) |
AddMemberIdentityAlreadyMemberException |
Thrown when adding a member to a group of which it is already a member. |
.gif) |
AddMemberIdentityMissingException |
Thrown when attempting to add a member that has a missing identity. |
.gif) |
AddMemberNoGroupException |
Thrown when adding a member without a group specified. |
.gif) |
AddProjectGroupProjectMismatchException |
Thrown for a mismatch when adding a project group. |
.gif) |
AddProjectGroupToGlobalGroupException |
Thrown when attempting to add a project group to a global group. |
.gif) |
AnalysisServiceConnectionException |
Thrown when an error occurs with the analysis service connection. |
.gif) |
ApplicationTierTimeoutException |
.gif) |
ArtifactKindAlreadyExistsException |
Thrown when an artifact kind already exists. |
.gif) |
ArtifactKindRestrictedException |
Thrown when the artifact kind is restricted. |
.gif) |
ArtifactKindsMustBeUniformException |
Thrown when artifact kinds must be uniform. |
.gif) |
ArtifactPropertyValue |
Represents a property-value pair that has a user-defined name (moniker). The moniker can be optionally versioned by using a version number. |
.gif) |
ArtifactSpec |
Represents a Team Foundation property user-defined name (moniker) specification. |
.gif) |
AttachCollectionException |
Thrown when an error occurs when attempting to attach a collection. |
.gif) |
AuthorizationSubsystemServiceException |
.gif) |
AzureClientIPRestrictedException |
.gif) |
AzureDatabaseQuotaReachedException |
.gif) |
AzureDeprecatedFeatureException |
.gif) |
AzureLoginBadUserException |
.gif) |
AzureOperationNotSupportedException |
.gif) |
AzureProcessingException |
.gif) |
AzureQuotaReachedException |
.gif) |
AzureServerUnavailableException |
.gif) |
AzureServiceBusyException |
.gif) |
AzureSessionTerminatedException |
.gif) |
BadChecksumException |
Thrown when a bad checksum is encountered. |
.gif) |
BadClassIdActionIdPairException |
.gif) |
BadParentObjectClassIdException |
.gif) |
CannotAccessIdentitiesAfterDetachException |
Thrown when you cannot map collection identities after a Detach before an Attach. |
.gif) |
CannotAddDateToNonIterationException |
.gif) |
CannotChangeTreesException |
.gif) |
CannotModifyRootNodeException |
.gif) |
CannotUpdateDefaultCollectionException |
Thrown when you cannot update the default collection. |
.gif) |
CatalogChangeContext |
.gif) |
CatalogChangeResult |
.gif) |
CatalogDependencyGroup |
.gif) |
CatalogNode |
.gif) |
CatalogNodeDoesNotExistException |
Thrown when a catalog node does not exist. |
.gif) |
CatalogResource |
.gif) |
CatalogResourceDoesNotExistException |
Thrown when a catalog resource does not exist. |
.gif) |
CatalogResourceType |
Describes the type of a catalog resource. |
.gif) |
CatalogResourceTypeDoesNotExistException |
Thrown when a catalog resource type does not exist. |
.gif) |
CircularNodeReferenceException |
.gif) |
CircularObjectInheritanceException |
.gif) |
ClassIdDoesNotExistException |
.gif) |
CleanupJobInProgressException |
.gif) |
ClientCancelException |
.gif) |
CollationException |
.gif) |
CollectionDoesNotExistException |
Thrown when a collection does not exist. |
.gif) |
CollectionMisconfiguredException |
Thrown when a collection is misconfigured. |
.gif) |
CollectionPropertyException |
Thrown because an error occurs in a collection property. |
.gif) |
CollectionServicingJobDidNotSucceedException |
Thrown when a collection servicing job did not succeed. |
.gif) |
CommonStructureSubsystemServiceException |
.gif) |
ComponentFactoryException |
.gif) |
ConnectedService |
This class has all the "public" information but also the secret data. It *does not* serialize the secret values, those are fetched from the client on demand. |
.gif) |
ConnectedServiceCreationData |
This class contains all the information that you need to create a connected servcie. |
.gif) |
ConnectedServiceMetadata |
This class contains the "public" information of a ConnectedService. This includes Name, FriendlyName, kind, and Description. Used by Clients to display This information without revealing the secret info and used when reading from the database |
.gif) |
ConnectedServicesService |
.gif) |
CreateACENoActionException |
.gif) |
CreateACENoObjectException |
.gif) |
CssProjectUriDoesNotExistException |
.gif) |
DatabaseCategoryNotRegisteredException |
Thrown when a database category is not registered. |
.gif) |
DatabaseConfigurationException |
Thrown for an error in database configuration. |
.gif) |
DatabaseConnectionException |
Thrown because an error occurs in the database connection. |
.gif) |
DatabaseFullException |
Thrown when the database is full. |
.gif) |
DatabaseInstanceException |
Thrown for an error that occurs with a database instance. |
.gif) |
DatabaseNotFoundException |
.gif) |
DatabaseOperationCanceledException |
Thrown when a database operation is canceled. |
.gif) |
DatabaseOperationTimeoutException |
Thrown when a database operation times out. |
.gif) |
DatabasePartitionCannotBeDeletedException |
.gif) |
DatabasePartitionNotFoundException |
.gif) |
DatabasePoolAlreadyExistsException |
.gif) |
DatabasePoolCannotBeDeletedException |
.gif) |
DatabasePoolFullException |
.gif) |
DatabasePoolNotFoundException |
.gif) |
DatabaseRuntimeException |
Thrown for a database runtime error. |
.gif) |
DatabaseSchemaException |
Thrown for an error that occurs with a database schema. |
.gif) |
DataTierNotFoundException |
.gif) |
DateTimeShiftDetectedException |
Thrown when a shift is detected in DateTime objects. |
.gif) |
DBExecutingDeadlockException |
.gif) |
DBResultDeadlockException |
Thrown when the database result is in deadlock. |
.gif) |
DeleteACEException |
.gif) |
DeleteSelfException |
.gif) |
DeliveryPreference |
Describes an event delivery preference. |
.gif) |
DeltaException |
.gif) |
DeltaTooLargeException |
.gif) |
DestroyedContentUnavailableException |
.gif) |
DownloadFromMidTierAbortedException |
.gif) |
DownloadTicketValidationException |
.gif) |
DuplicateFeatureException |
.gif) |
DuplicateFileNameException |
.gif) |
DuplicateJobIdException |
Thrown when a duplicate job ID is encountered. |
.gif) |
DuplicateJobScheduleException |
Thrown when a duplicate job is scheduled. |
.gif) |
DuplicateLocationMappingException |
Thrown for a duplicate location mapping. |
.gif) |
EnumerationNoneArgumentException |
.gif) |
EventException |
Thrown for an error in event handling. |
.gif) |
FailedToAcquireServicingLockException |
.gif) |
FileAlreadyUploadedException |
.gif) |
FileIdNotFoundException |
Thrown when a file ID is not found. |
.gif) |
FileRepositoryProperties |
.gif) |
FilteredIdentitiesList |
This is the result of a call to ReadFilteredIdentities. |
.gif) |
FindGroupNameDoesNotExistException |
Thrown when a group name does not exist. |
.gif) |
FindGroupSidDoesNotExistException |
Thrown when a security identifier for a group does not exist. |
.gif) |
GroupCreationException |
Thrown for an error during group creation. |
.gif) |
GroupNameNotRecognizedException |
.gif) |
GroupRenameException |
Thrown when an error occurs during a group rename. |
.gif) |
GroupScopeCreationException |
Thrown when an error occurs during group scope creation. |
.gif) |
GroupScopeDoesNotExistException |
Thrown when the group scope does not exist. |
.gif) |
GroupSecuritySubsystemServiceException |
.gif) |
GroupWellKnownDescriptors |
Contains string constants for well-known group descriptors. |
.gif) |
HostAlreadyExistsException |
Thrown when the host already exists. |
.gif) |
HostCannotBeDeletedException |
Thrown when the host cannot be deleted. |
.gif) |
HostCreationException |
.gif) |
HostDoesNotExistException |
Thrown when a host does not exist. |
.gif) |
HostInstanceDoesNotExistException |
Thrown when the host instance does not exist. |
.gif) |
HostManagementException |
Thrown for an error that occurs with host management. |
.gif) |
HostMustBeTopLevelException |
Thrown when the host must be top level. |
.gif) |
HostProcessNotFoundException |
.gif) |
HostShutdownException |
Thrown for an error that occurs because the host is shutting down. |
.gif) |
HostStatusChangeException |
Thrown because of an error that occurs when the host status changes. |
.gif) |
IdentityAccountNameAlreadyInUseException |
.gif) |
IdentityAlreadyExistsException |
.gif) |
IdentityDescriptor |
Wrapper for an identity type and a unique identifier. |
.gif) |
IdentityDescriptorComparer |
Compares IdentityDescriptor objects. |
.gif) |
IdentityDomainDoesNotExistException |
Thrown when an identity domain does not exist. |
.gif) |
IdentityDomainMismatchException |
Thrown when a mismatch occurs with the identity domain. |
.gif) |
IdentityExpressionException |
.gif) |
IdentityHelper |
Helper class to manage Team Foundation identity descriptors. |
.gif) |
IdentityNotFoundException |
Thrown when an identity is not found. |
.gif) |
IdentityNotServiceIdentityException |
.gif) |
IdentityPropertyRequiredException |
.gif) |
IdentityProviderUnavailableException |
Thrown when an identity provider is unavailable. |
.gif) |
IdentitySyncException |
Thrown when an error occurs in identity synchronizing. |
.gif) |
IllegalDeleteSelfReferenceServiceDefinitionException |
Thrown when attempting to delete a self-referencing service. |
.gif) |
IllegalIdentityException |
Thrown for an illegal identity. |
.gif) |
IncompatibleCompressionFormatException |
Thrown for an incompatible compression format. |
.gif) |
IncompatibleTokenException |
.gif) |
IncompleteUploadException |
Thrown because of an incomplete upload. |
.gif) |
IncorrectSizeException |
Thrown when a thread of execution discovers an incorrectly sized object. |
.gif) |
InternalStoredProcedureException |
.gif) |
InvalidAccessException |
.gif) |
InvalidAccessPointException |
Thrown because of an invalid access point. |
.gif) |
InvalidBindPendingIdentityDescriptorException |
.gif) |
InvalidCatalogDeleteNodeException |
Thrown when the thread of execution encounters an invalid catalog during a DeleteNode method call. |
.gif) |
InvalidCatalogNodeMoveException |
Thrown because of an invalid catalog during a NodeMove method call. |
.gif) |
InvalidCatalogNodePathException |
Thrown because of an invalid catalog node path. |
.gif) |
InvalidCatalogSaveNodeException |
Thrown because of an invalid catalog save node. |
.gif) |
InvalidCatalogSaveResourceException |
Thrown because of an invalid catalog save resource. |
.gif) |
InvalidCollationException |
.gif) |
InvalidDisplayNameException |
.gif) |
InvalidDomainException |
.gif) |
InvalidEscapeSequenceException |
.gif) |
InvalidFeatureNameException |
.gif) |
InvalidLobParameterException |
.gif) |
InvalidParentHostException |
.gif) |
InvalidReclassificationException |
.gif) |
InvalidRegistryException |
Thrown because of an invalid registry. |
.gif) |
InvalidRequestContextHostException |
Thrown for an invalid request context host. |
.gif) |
InvalidSecurityNamespaceDescriptionException |
Thrown because an invalid security namespace description occurs. |
.gif) |
InvalidSecurityNamespaceException |
Thrown for an invalid security namespace. |
.gif) |
InvalidSecurityTokenException |
Thrown because of an invalid security token. |
.gif) |
InvalidServiceDefinitionException |
Thrown for an invalid service definition. |
.gif) |
InvalidServiceIdentityNameException |
.gif) |
InvalidServiceVersionException |
.gif) |
InvalidServicingStepTypeException |
Thrown for an invalid servicing step type. |
.gif) |
InvalidTokenFormatExpcetion |
.gif) |
JobAgentException |
.gif) |
JobAgentTeardownTimeoutException |
.gif) |
JobCannotBePausedException |
Thrown when a job cannot be paused. |
.gif) |
JobCannotBeResumedException |
Thrown when a job cannot be resumed. |
.gif) |
JobCannotBeStoppedException |
Thrown when a job cannot be stopped. |
.gif) |
JobCannotBeUpdatedException |
.gif) |
JobDefinitionNotFoundException |
.gif) |
JobDidntPauseException |
Thrown when a job did not pause. |
.gif) |
JobIntervalNotSupportedException |
Thrown when a job interval is not supported. |
.gif) |
JobsStillRunningException |
.gif) |
KeyValueOfStringString |
Represents the key-value of a string. |
.gif) |
LocationMapping |
Associates an AccessMapping with a location. |
.gif) |
LocationMappingDoesNotExistException |
Thrown when a location mapping does not exist. |
.gif) |
LocationNotFoundException |
.gif) |
LocationServerMapCache |
.gif) |
LockTimeoutException |
.gif) |
MaximumDepthExceededException |
.gif) |
MessageQueueAlreadyExistsException |
.gif) |
MessageQueueNotFoundException |
.gif) |
MissingFeatureException |
.gif) |
ModifyEveryoneGroupException |
Thrown when a thread of execution attempts to modify the everyone group. |
.gif) |
MoveArgumentOutOfRangeException |
.gif) |
MultipleIdentitiesFoundException |
.gif) |
MultiplePartitionsNotSupportedException |
.gif) |
NodeAlreadyExistsException |
.gif) |
NodeDoesNotExistException |
.gif) |
NodePathDoesNotExistException |
.gif) |
NodeUriDoesNotExistException |
.gif) |
NotApplicationGroupException |
Thrown when a thread of execution attempts an action without application group privileges. |
.gif) |
NotASecurityGroupException |
Thrown when a thread of execution attempts an action without security group privileges. |
.gif) |
OAuthApplicationAlreadyExistsException |
.gif) |
OAuthApplicationNotFoundException |
.gif) |
OAuthTokenNotFoundException |
.gif) |
ParentNodeDoesNotExistException |
.gif) |
ParentNodeUriDoesNotExistException |
.gif) |
ParseException |
Thrown because of an error in parsing. |
.gif) |
ProjectAlreadyExistsException |
.gif) |
ProjectDoesNotExistException |
.gif) |
ProjectDoesNotExistWithNameException |
.gif) |
ProjectNameNotRecognizedException |
.gif) |
ProjectNotFoundException |
Thrown when the thread of execution fails to look up a project. |
.gif) |
PropertyDefinitionDoesNotExistException |
.gif) |
PropertyServiceException |
Thrown when an error occurs in the property service. |
.gif) |
PropertyValue |
Represents a property and its value. |
.gif) |
ProxyCacheMissBecameHitException |
.gif) |
ProxyClientRedirectException |
.gif) |
ProxyException |
.gif) |
QueryExpressionException |
.gif) |
ReaderAbortedException |
.gif) |
ReclassificationNodeDoesNotExistException |
.gif) |
ReclassificationNodeUriDoesNotExistException |
.gif) |
ReclassifiedToDifferentTreeException |
.gif) |
ReclassifiedToSubTreeException |
.gif) |
RedirectionException |
.gif) |
RegisterObjectBadParentException |
.gif) |
RegisterObjectExistsException |
.gif) |
RegisterObjectNoClassException |
.gif) |
RegisterObjectNoProjectException |
.gif) |
RegisterObjectProjectMismatchException |
.gif) |
RegisterProjectException |
.gif) |
RegistryAuditEntry |
Represents a registry audit entry. |
.gif) |
RegistryEntry |
.gif) |
RegistryEntryCollection |
.gif) |
RegistryPathException |
Thrown for a registry path that is not valid. |
.gif) |
RegistryPathPatternException |
Thrown when an error occurs in the registry path pattern. |
.gif) |
RemoveAccessMappingException |
Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to remove an access mapping. |
.gif) |
RemoveGroupMemberException |
Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to remove a group member. |
.gif) |
RemoveGroupMemberNotMemberException |
Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to remove a group member that is not a member. |
.gif) |
RemoveLastAdminGroupMemberException |
Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to remove the last member of the administrator group. |
.gif) |
RemoveLastLicensedAdminException |
Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to remove the last licensed administrator. |
.gif) |
RemoveMemberGroupMissingException |
Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to remove a member from a missing group. |
.gif) |
RemoveMemberIdentityMissingException |
Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to remove a member by using a missing identity. |
.gif) |
RemoveMemberServiceAccountException |
Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to remove a member that is a service account. |
.gif) |
RemoveNonexistentGroupException |
Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to remove a nonexistent group. |
.gif) |
RemoveSelfFromAdminGroupException |
.gif) |
RemoveSpecialGroupException |
Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to remove a special group. |
.gif) |
ReplaceDescriptorException |
.gif) |
RequestCanceledException |
Thrown when a request is cancelled. |
.gif) |
RequestDisabledDetailsException |
.gif) |
RequestDisabledException |
.gif) |
RequestFilterException |
Thrown when an error occurs with a request filter. |
.gif) |
ResourceStreamNotFoundException |
Thrown when a resource stream is not found. |
.gif) |
SecurityActionDoesNotExistException |
.gif) |
SecurityNamespace |
Class to manage and enforce security for a set of AccessControlList objects. |
.gif) |
SecurityNamespaceAlreadyExistsException |
Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to create a security namespace when it already exists. |
.gif) |
SecurityNamespaceDescription |
Represents a description for a SecurityNamespace. |
.gif) |
SecurityObjectDoesNotExistException |
.gif) |
ServiceDefinition |
Defines a service and all of the locations that exist for it. |
.gif) |
ServiceDefinitionDoesNotExistException |
Thrown when a service definition does not exist. |
.gif) |
ServiceIdentity |
Represents the service identity known to the system. |
.gif) |
ServiceIdentityInfo |
The service identity information. |
.gif) |
ServiceLevelException |
.gif) |
ServiceNotRegisteredException |
.gif) |
ServiceVersionNotSupportedException |
.gif) |
ServicingDisabledException |
Thrown when servicing is disabled. |
.gif) |
ServicingExecutionHandlerData |
Represents data for a servicing execution handler. |
.gif) |
ServicingJobDetail |
Each servicing operation for host is recorded and the details of the operation are described by the ServicingJobDetail |
.gif) |
ServicingOperation |
Represents a servicing operation. |
.gif) |
ServicingOperationAlreadyExistsException |
Thrown when a servicing operation already exists. |
.gif) |
ServicingOperationNotFoundException |
Thrown when a servicing operation was not found. |
.gif) |
ServicingStep |
.gif) |
ServicingStepDetail |
Describes a servicing step detail. |
.gif) |
ServicingStepGroup |
.gif) |
ServicingStepGroupAlreadyExistsException |
Thrown when a servicing step group already exists. |
.gif) |
ServicingStepGroupDependencyException |
Thrown when a dependency exists on another servicing step group. |
.gif) |
ServicingStepGroupInUseException |
Thrown when a servicing step group is being used. |
.gif) |
ServicingStepGroupNotFoundException |
Thrown when a servicing step group is not found. |
.gif) |
ServicingStepLogEntry |
Represents a log entry that is made by a servicing step. |
.gif) |
ServicingStepStateChange |
Represents a change to a servicing step state. |
.gif) |
ServicingValidationException |
.gif) |
SidDescriptor |
Represents a security ID descriptor. |
.gif) |
SigningInfo |
Contains information associated with the signing of objects. |
.gif) |
SqlAzureException |
.gif) |
StepPerformerNotFoundException |
Thrown when a step performer is not found. |
.gif) |
StreamingCollectionUnsupportedOperationException |
.gif) |
StrongBoxDrawerExistsException |
.gif) |
StrongBoxDrawerNotFoundException |
.gif) |
StrongBoxException |
.gif) |
StrongBoxItemNotFoundException |
.gif) |
Subscription |
Describes an event subscription. |
.gif) |
SyncAccessDeniedServiceException |
.gif) |
SyncBadBaselineRevServiceException |
.gif) |
SyncSubsystemServiceException |
.gif) |
SyncSupersededBaselineRevServiceException |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationAccessControlException |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationCatalogServiceException |
Thrown when an error occurs with the Team Foundation Server catalog service. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationDatabaseCopyException |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationDatabaseSplitException |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationIdentity |
Client implementation of TeamFoundationIdentity. Augments proxy generated class |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationIdentityServiceException |
Thrown because an exception occurs in the identity service for Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationInvalidCertificateException |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationJobDefinition |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationJobHistoryEntry |
Represents a job history entry on Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationJobSchedule |
Represents a job schedule on Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationJobService |
Represents a job service in Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationJobServiceException |
Thrown when an error occurs with the Team Foundation Server job service. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationLocationServiceException |
Thrown when an error occurs with the location service of Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationLockException |
Thrown for an error that occurs with a Team Foundation Server lock. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationMessageQueueException |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationOAuthServiceException |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationProcessStillRunningException |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationProfileServiceException |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationRequestInformation |
Represents additional information about a Team Foundation request. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationResourceManagementServiceException |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationSecurityServiceException |
Thrown for an error that occurs with the Team Foundation Server security service. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationServerNotSupportedException |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationServiceException |
Thrown when an error occurs with any service of Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationServiceHostActivity |
Represents a Team Foundation Server service host activity. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationServicingException |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationStrongBoxService |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationValidationException |
Thrown when an error occurs with a validation operation in Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. |
.gif) |
TeamProjectCollection |
.gif) |
TfsDequeueContext |
.gif) |
TfsMessageQueue |
Provides access to a message queue hosted on a Team Foundation Server. |
.gif) |
TfsMessageQueueDisconnectedEventArgs |
Provides access to the underlying exception which caused the loss of connectivity. |
.gif) |
TfsMessageQueueService |
Provides centralized management for connections to Team Foundation Server message queues. |
.gif) |
TooManyItemsException |
Thrown when too many items are present. |
.gif) |
UnauthorizedRequestException |
.gif) |
UnexpectedDatabaseResultException |
Thrown because of an unexpected database result. |
.gif) |
UnexpectedHostTypeException |
.gif) |
UnexpectedItemKindException |
.gif) |
UnknownMigrationOwnerException |
.gif) |
UnknownRepositoryException |
.gif) |
UnregisterProjectException |
.gif) |
UpdateGroupException |
Thrown when an error occurs during an update operation on a group. |
.gif) |
VirtualPathMappingException |
Thrown when an error occurs with a virtual path mapping. |
.gif) |
VirtualPathsConflictException |
Thrown for an error that is caused by conflicting virtual paths. |