

This article applies to Visual Studio 2015. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here

Each thunk is identified by a SymTagThunk tag.


The following table shows the properties that are valid for this symbol type.

Property Data type Description
IDiaSymbol::get_access DWORD Access modifier attribute, one of the CV_access_e Enumeration values (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later).
IDiaSymbol::get_addressOffset DWORD Offset part of location; for details, see the LocationType Enumeration.
IDiaSegment::get_addressSection DWORD Section part of location; for details, see the LocationType Enumeration.
IDiaSymbol::get_classParent IDiaSymbol* Enclosing class parent, if any (only under DIA SDK V8.0 or later).
IDiaSymbol::get_classParentId DWORD ID of the enclosing class parent symbol (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later).
IDiaSymbol::get_constType BOOL TRUE if the thunk is marked as constant (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later).
IDiaSymbol::get_intro BOOL TRUE if the thunk is an introduction to a virtual function (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later)
IDiaSymbol::get_isStatic BOOL TRUE if the thunk is considered static (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later).
IDiaSymbol::get_length ULONGLONG Number of bytes of code in the thunk.
IDiaSymbol::get_lexicalParent IDiaSymbol* Symbol for the enclosing compiland, block, or function.
IDiaSymbol::get_lexicalParentId DWORD ID of the lexical parent symbol.
IDiaSymbol::get_locationType DWORD End points have static location; for details, see Symbol Locations enumeration.
IDiaSymbol::get_name BSTR Name of the thunk.
IDiaSymbol::get_pure BOOL TRUE if the thunk is purely virtual (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later).
IDiaSymbol::get_relativeVirtualAddress DWORD Relative position of this thunk within its module.
IDiaSymbol::get_symIndexId DWORD Index ID of symbol.
IDiaSymbol::get_symTag DWORD Returns SymTagThunk (one of the SymTagEnum Enumeration values).
IDiaSymbol::get_targetOffset DWORD Offset part of location of the thunk target.
IDiaSymbol::get_targetRelativeVirtualAddress DWORD Relative virtual address of the thunk target in its enclosing block.
IDiaSymbol::get_targetSection DWORD Section part of the thunk target.
IDiaSymbol::get_targetVirtualAddress ULONGLONG Position of the thunk target in the executable image.
IDiaSymbol::get_thunkOrdinal DWORD Thunk type, as defined by the THUNK_ORDINAL Enumeration.
IDiaSymbol::get_type IDiaSymbol* The type of this thunk (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later).
IDiaSymbol::get_typeId DWORD ID of the type symbol (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later).
IDiaSymbol::get_unalignedType BOOL TRUE if the thunk is not aligned (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later),
IDiaSymbol::get_virtual BOOL TRUE if the thunk is virtual (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later).
IDiaSymbol::get_virtualAddress ULONGLONG Position of this thunk within the executable image.
IDiaSymbol::get_virtualBaseOffset DWORD The offset in the virtual table to this thunk (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later).
IDiaSymbol::get_volatileType BOOL TRUE if the thunk is marked as volatile (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later).

See Also

Lexical Hierarchy of Symbol Types
LocationType Enumeration