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SccBackgroundGet Function


This article applies to Visual Studio 2015. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here

This function retrieves from source control each of the specified files with no user interaction.


SCCRTN SccBackgroundGet(  
   LPVOID  pContext,  
   LONG    nFiles,  
   LPCSTR* lpFileNames,  
   LONG    dwFlags,  
   LONG    dwBackgroundOperationID  


[in] The source control plug-in context pointer.

[in] Number of files specified in the lpFileNames array.

[in, out] Array of names of files to be retrieved.


The names must be fully qualified local filenames.

[in] Command flags (SCC_GET_ALL, SCC_GET_RECURSIVE).

[in] A unique value associated with this operation.

Return Value

The source control plug-in implementation of this function is expected to return one of the following values:

Value Description
SCC_OK Operation completed successfully.
SCC_E_BACKGROUNDGETINPROGRESS A background retrieval is already in progress (the source control plug-in should return this only if it does not support simultaneous batch operations).
SCC_I_OPERATIONCANCELED Operation was canceled before being completed.


This function is always called on a thread different from the one that loaded the source control plug-in. This function is not expected to return until it is done; however, it can be called multiple times with multiple lists of files, all at the same time.

The use of the dwFlags argument is the same as the SccGet.

See Also

Source Control Plug-in API Functions