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SccGetUserOption Function


This article applies to Visual Studio 2015. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here

This function retrieves a variety of user-specific options.


SCCRTN SccGetUserOption(  
   LPVOID pContext,  
   LONG nOption,  
   LPLONG lpVal  


[in] The source control plug-in context pointer.

[in] Option to retrieve (see Remarks for possible options).

[out] Value associated with option.

Return Value

The source control plug-in implementation of this function is expected to return one of the following values:

Value Description
SCC_OK Option was retrieved successfully.
SCC_E_OPNOTSUPPORTED Option is not supported.
SCC_E_NONSPECIFICERROR An unspecified error occurred.


The following options are supported by this command:

User Option Description
SCC_USEROPT_CHECKOUT_LOCALVER Determines whether the user wants to check out local version of files. lpVal is assigned SCC_USEROPT_COLV_YES (user wants to check out local files) or SCC_USEROPT_COLV_NO.

See Also

Source Control Plug-in API Functions
Error Codes