Control Flow Activity Designers
Windows Workflow Designer includes a number of system-provided activities that you can use when constructing your workflows. This section contains the system-provided activities used to control the flow within a workflow. The following topics describe these activities and provide guidance on how to use them.
In This Section
DoWhile Executes the activity contained in its body at least once, until a specified condition evaluates to true.
ForEach<T> Executes the activity contained in its body for each item in a specified collection.
If Evaluates a condition and executes an activity depending on the results of that evaluation.
Parallel Executes a collection of child activities concurrently.
ParallelForEach<T> Enumerates the elements of a collection and executes an embedded statement for each element of the collection in parallel
Pick Executes one of several branches in response to some event that provides event-based flow control.
PickBranch Provides a potential path of execution within a Pick activity.
Sequence Contains an ordered collection of child activities that it executes in order.
Switch<T> Evaluates a specified expression and executes the activity from a collection of activities whose associated key matches the value obtained from the evaluation.
While Executes the activity contained in its body while a specified condition evaluates to true.
Related Sections
For other types of activity designers, see the following topics.