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Interop Activity Designer

The Interop activity designer is used to create and configure an Interop activity.

The Interop Activity

The Interop activity manages the execution of types that derive from System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Activity within a workflow.

Using the Interop Activity Designer

The Interop activity designer can be found in the Migration category of the Toolbox, which is accessed by clicking the Toolbox tab (Alternatively, select Toolbox from the View menu or CTRL+ALT+X.)

The Migration category that contains the Interop activity only shows up in the Toolbox if your project is targeting the full .NET Framework version 4.

For C# projects, you can re-target the project to use the full .NET Framework 4 by right-clicking the project in the Solution Explorer and selecting Properties. On the Application tab, select the NET Framework 4 option in the Target framework. Select the Yes button in the Target Framework Change dialog that displays asking you to confirm this change.

For VB projects, you can re-target the project to use the full .NET Framework 4 by right-clicking on the project in the Solution Explorer and selecting Properties. On the Compile tab, click the Advanced Compile Options button. Select .Net Framework 4 from the Target framework list and then click OK. Click the Yes button in the Target Framework Change dialog that displays asking you to confirm this change.

The Interop activity designer can be dragged from the Toolbox and dropped on to the Workflow Designer surface wherever activities are usually placed, such as inside a Sequence. This creates an Interop activity with a default DisplayName of Interop. The DisplayName can be edited in the header of the Interop activity designer or in the DisplayName box of the property grid.

Click the Click to browse… text in the ActivityType box, either on the Interop activity designer or in the property grid, to bring up the Browse and Select a .Net Type dialog box. Only types for workflow 3.0 or workflow 3.5 activities are shown (that is, only types derived from Activity). For more information about using this box to specify a type, see the Browse and Select a .NET Type Dialog Box topic.

The Interop Properties

The following table shows the Interop properties and describes how they are used in the designer. These properties can be edited in property grid or on the Workflow Designer surface.

Property Name Required Usage
DisplayName False The friendly name of the Interop activity. The default is Interop. Although the display name is not strictly required, it is a best practice to use a display name.
ActivityType True Specifies the type of the activity contained by the Interop activity. This type specified must derive from Activity.

See Also
