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This article applies to Visual Studio 2017. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here

Prepares the debug data stored in a program database (.pdb) file accessed through an in-memory data stream.


HRESULT loadDataFromIStream ( 
   IStream* pIStream



[in] An IStream object representing the data stream to use.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise, returns an error code. The following table shows the possible return values for this method.

Value Description
E_PDB_FORMAT Attempted to access a file with an obsolete format.
E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter.
E_UNEXPECTED Data source has already been prepared.


This method allows the debug data for an executable to be obtained from memory through an IStream object.

To load a .pdb file without validation, use the IDiaDataSource::loadDataFromPdb method.

To validate the .pdb file against specific criteria, use the IDiaDataSource::loadAndValidateDataFromPdb method.

To gain access to the data load process (through a callback mechanism), use the IDiaDataSource::loadDataForExe method.

See also