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This article applies to Visual Studio 2017. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here

Retrieves the symbol that represents the type for this symbol.


HRESULT get_type (
    IDiaSymbol** pRetVal



[out] Returns an IDiaSymbol object that represents the type of this symbol.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise, returns S_FALSE or an error code.


A return value of S_FALSE means the property is not available for the symbol.


To determine the type a symbol has, you must call this method and examine the resulting IDiaSymbol object. Note that it is possible for a symbol to not have a type. For example, the name of a structure has no type but it might have children symbols (use the IDiaSymbol::findChildren method to examine those children).


IDiaSymbol*         pType;
CComPtr<IDiaSymbol> pBaseType;
if (SUCCEEDED(pType->get_type( &pBaseType ))) {
    BasicType btBaseType;
    if (SUCCEEDED(pBaseType->get_baseType((DWORD *)&btBaseType))) {
        // Do something with basic type.

See also