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This article applies to Visual Studio 2017. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here

Retrieves a list of the children of the property.


HRESULT EnumChildren ( 
   DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS      dwFields,
   DWORD                     dwRadix,
   REFGUID                   guidFilter,
   DBG_ATTRIB_FLAGS          dwAttribFilter,
   LPCOLESTR                 pszNameFilter,
   DWORD                     dwTimeout,
   IEnumDebugPropertyInfo2** ppEnum
int EnumChildren ( 
   enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS   dwFields,
   uint                        dwRadix,
   ref Guid                    guidFilter,
   uint                        dwAttribFilter,
   string                      pszNameFilter,
   uint                        dwTimeout,
   out IEnumDebugPropertyInfo2 ppEnum


[in] A combination of flags from the DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS enumeration that specifies which fields in the enumerated DEBUG_PROPERTY_INFO structures are to be filled in.

[in] Specifies the radix to be used in formatting any numerical information.

[in] GUID of the filter used with the dwAttribFilter and pszNameFilter parameters to select which DEBUG_PROPERTY_INFO children are to be enumerated. For example, guidFilterLocals filters for local variables.

[in] A combination of flags from the DBG_ATTRIB_FLAGS enumeration that specifies what type of objects to enumerate, for example DBG_ATTRIB_METHOD for all methods that might be children of this property. Used in combination with the guidFilter and pszNameFilter parameters.

[in] The name of the filter used with the guidFilter and dwAttribFilter parameters to select which DEBUG_PROPERTY_INFO children are to be enumerated. For example, setting this parameter to "MyX" filters for all children with the name "MyX."

[in] Specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait before returning from this method. Use INFINITE to wait indefinitely.

[out] Returns an IEnumDebugPropertyInfo2 object containing a list of the child properties.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise returns error code.

See also