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Using VBScript Functions

Not all functions are carried over to VBScript, just like not all of the statements are carried over. A complete list of functions available in VBScript is shown in Table 13.6.

Table 13.6: Functions Available in VBScript

Function Description
Abs Returns the absolute value of a number
Array Returns a variant containing an array with the specified values
Asc/AscB/AscW Returns the ASCII value of a character
Atn Returns the arctangent of the argument
Chr/ChrB/ChrW Returns a character for a specific ASCII value
Cbool Converts a value to Boolean
Cbyte Converts a value to Byte
Ccur Converts a value to Currency
Cdate Converts a value to Date
CDbl Converts a value to Double
Cint Converts a value to Integer
CLng Converts a value to Long
Cos Returns the cosine of the argument
CreateObject Creates a new instance of the specified object
CSng Converts a value to Single
Date Returns the current date
DateSerial Converts month, day, and year values to a Date value
DateValue Returns a date part of a Date value
Exp Returns the exponential of the argument
Filter Returns a string array that meets the specified filter criteria
Fix Returns the integer part of a number (Fix (1.2) = 1 and Fix(-1.2) = -1)
FormatCurrency Formats a value as currency
FormatDateTime Formats a value as a date or time
FormatNumber Formats a number
FormatPercent Formats a number as a percentage
GetObject Returns a reference to an automation object
Hex Returns a string containing the hexadecimal value of a number
InputBox Displays a dialog box with a prompt for an input value
InStr/InStrB Returns the starting position of the specified substring
InStrRev Similar to InStr but starts at the end of the string.
Int Returns an integer part of a number. (Fix (1.2) = 1 and Fix (-1.2) = -2)
IsArray Returns True if the argument is an array
IsDate Returns True if the argument contains a valid Date value
IsEmpty Returns True if the argument has been initialized
IsNull Returns True if the argument contains valid data
IsNumeric Returns True if the argument contains a valid number
IsObject Returns True if the argument contains an object
Join Joins together a series of strings (opposite of Split)
Lcase Converts a string to lowercase characters
Left/LeftB Returns the leftmost part of a string or byte array
Len/LenB Returns the length of a string or byte array
LoadPicture Loads a picture object
Log Returns the log of the argument
LTrim Removes leading spaces from a string
Mid/MidB Returns a substring from the middle of a string or byte array
MsgBox Displays a dialog box with a message
Oct Returns a string containing the octal value of a number
Replace Replaces one substring with another substring the specified number of times
RGB Returns a color based on values for red, green, and blue
Right/RightB Returns the rightmost part of a string or byte array
Rnd Returns the next random number from the random-number generator
Round Rounds a value to the specified number of decimal places
Rtrim Removes trailing spaces from a string
Sgn Returns –1 if the argument is negative, 0 if it’s zero, +1 if it’s positive
Sin Returns the sine of the argument
Space Fills a string with the specified number of spaces
Split Breaks apart a string into multiple strings based on a substring (opposite of Join)
Sqr Returns the square root of the argument
StrComp Compares strings
String Fills a string with a specified character the specified number of times
StrReverse Reverses the order of the characters in the string
Tan Returns the tangent of the argument
Time Returns the current time
TimeSerial Converts hour, minute, and second values to a Date value
TimeValue Returns the time part of a Date value
Trim Removes leading and trailing spaces from a string
TypeName Returns a string containing the name of the type of variable
VarType Returns an integer containing the type of variable

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