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Elements of Project Workspaces

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Project workspaces can contain the following:

Project A set of zero or more source files, with one or more configurations. A project also specifies the type of application to build. Your project workspace can contain any number of projects, including subprojects.
Configuration The settings for a project that specify a platform on which the output file is to run, and the tool settings with which to build the output. You can add any number of configurations to a project. By default, when you create a new project, you create Debug and Release configurations.

Within a project workspace, projects can have the following relations:

Top-level project A project that is not a dependency of any other project (not a subproject of any other project). A project workspace has at least one top-level project.
Subproject A project that has a dependency relationship with another project. The build system determines if it needs to build the subproject before it builds the containing project. Any project can be a subproject of any other project. 

What do you want to know more about?

Project workspace files

Project types


Project configurations