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Solution Building and Packaging Reference


After you've completed your development efforts, you need a way to get the fruits of those efforts to users. Where you might once have been limited to creating a setup program or using software separate from the development environment, you can now create a variety of distribution units, and all within the Microsoft development environment.

The following sections provide information to acquaint you with packaging applications in the Microsoft development environment.

Section Description
Solution Building and Packaging Concepts Introduces concepts key to packaging your applications with the Microsoft development environment (for Microsoft® Visual J++™ and Microsoft® Visual InterDev™).
Solution Building and Packaging Common Tasks Provides links to step-by-step instructions for performing common building and packaging tasks.
Solution Building and Packaging User Interface Reference Provides links to topics describing what you'll see in dialog boxes associated with building and packaging.
Solution Building and Packaging Error Messages Provides links to topics describing error messages you may encounter when packaging your applications.