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Setting Options for the Editor

You can change many of the default settings for the Text Editor to conform to your preferences. Some settings are available on a per-language basis, allowing you to configure the Text Editor differently for each development language that you use. Other settings are global and apply to all instances of the Text Editor regardless of the language engine. Options can be set or changed in the Options dialog box.

To open the Options dialog box

  • Choose Options from the Tools menu.

Options for the Text Editor are listed in the treeview pane of the Options dialog box, under the Text Editor node. As you select a node in the treeview pane, the corresponding options are shown in the right-hand pane of the Options dialog box.

To set global options

  • Select a first-level node beneath the Text Editor node. If any second-level nodes appear beneath the node you have selected, options set on the first-level node override any corresponding per-language settings on the second-level node.

To set per-language options

  • Select a second-level node beneath the Text Editor node. Any settings made at this level supercede corresponding first-level settings for the selected language only.

    Note   If you subsequently change an option setting on a first-level node, your corresponding per-language settings (where applicable) will be overridden.