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BOOL GetItemState( int nItem**, DWORD** dwMask**, DWORD&** dwState ) const;

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0. If successful, dwState receives the state information.



The zero-based index number of the item for which to retrieve state information.


Mask specifying which of the item's state flags to return. For a list of values, see the mask member of the structure, as described in the Platform SDK.


A reference to a DWORD value receiving the state information. Can be one of the following values:

Value Description
TCIS_BUTTONPRESSED The tab control item is selected. 
TCIS_HIGHLIGHTED The tab control item is highlighted, and the tab and text are drawn using the current highlight color. When using highlight color, this will be a true interpolation, not a dithered color.


Call this member function to retrieve the state of the tab control item identified by nItem. An item's state is specified by the dwState member of the TCITEM structure. 

CTabCtrl OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CTabCtrl::SetItemState