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Color Fields

Fields Description
ACTIVEBORDER Represents the color of an active window border.
ACTIVECAPTION Represents the color of the background of an active title bar caption.
ACTIVECAPTIONTEXT Represents the text color of an active title bar caption.
APPWORKSPACE Represents the color of the application workspace.
AQUA Represents the color aqua.
BLACK Represents the color black.
BLUE Represents the color blue.
BROWN Represents the color brown.
CONTROL Represents the color for controls.
CONTROLDARK Represents the shadow part of a 3D element.
CONTROLDARKDARK Represents the darkest part of a 3D element.
CONTROLLIGHT Represents the highlight part of a 3D element.
CONTROLLIGHTLIGHT Represents the lightest part of a 3D element.
CONTROLTEXT Represents the color of control text.
CYAN Represents the color cyan.
DARKGRAY Represents the color dark gray.
DESKTOP Represents the current desktop color.
GRAY Represents the color gray.
GRAYTEXT Represents the color of gray disabled text.
GREEN Represents the color green.
HIGHLIGHT Represents the color of highlighted objects.
HIGHLIGHTTEXT Represents the color of highlighted text.
HOTTRACK Represents the hottrack color.
INACTIVEBORDER Represents the color of an inactive window's border.
INACTIVECAPTION Represents the color of the background of an inactive title bar caption.
INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT Represents the color of caption text displayed in the title bar of an inactive window.
INFO Represents the background color of an information ToolTip.
INFOTEXT Represents the color of information ToolTip text.
LIGHTGRAY Represents the color light gray.
MAGENTA Represents the color magenta.
MENU The color for menus.
MENUTEXT The color for menu text.
ORANGE Represents the color orange.
PURPLE Represents the color purple.
RED Represents the color red.
SCROLLBAR Represents the color of the area of a scroll bar not covered by the thumb button.
WHITE Represents the color white.
WINDOW Represents the color of a window.
WINDOWFRAME Represents the color of a window frame.
WINDOWTEXT Represents the color of window text.
YELLOW Represents the color yellow.