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User Interface Editor


Use this editor to control which installation dialogs to show customers when they install your product. By default, Microsoft® Visual Studio® Installer includes several local and network installation dialogs in a new installer project. If you do not change the defaults, these dialogs are displayed to customers when they install your product.

Working in the User Interface editor, you can add optional dialogs to your installer project, as well as delete dialogs. The dialogs shown in the User Interface editor when you build your project will be displayed to users during product installation.

The User Information editor display is arranged in two top nodes:

  • The Install Dialogs node lists installation dialogs provided for display during a local product installation. The same local installation dialogs are available for all local installations, whether they are stand-alone or network client installations.

  • The Network Install Dialog node lists network installation dialogs provided for display during a network product installation on a network server.

You can right-click the dialogs listed in the User Interface editor to display a context menu, which provides options to add and delete dialogs and customize dialog properties. Exactly which options are available on the context menu depend on which dialog you have selected.

Note   For more information about adding, deleting, and customizing installation dialogs, see:

You can open the User Interface editor by either:

  • Double-clicking User Interface in the Target Machine node in the Project Explorer window.


  • Selecting the User Interface option on the Project menu.


Install Dialogs

The set of dialogs presented to users installing your product on a local client or stand-alone machine. This set is subdivided into three sections.


Dialogs presented at the beginning of the installation process — for example, the Welcome dialog.


Dialogs presented while the installer installs files onto the local machine — for example, the Progress dialog with a dynamic progress bar.


Dialogs presented at the end of the installation process — for example, the Finished dialog.

Network Install Dialogs

The set of dialogs displayed to network administrators installing your product on a network server. This set is subdivided into three sections.


Dialogs presented at the beginning of the network installation — for example, the (network) Welcome dialog.


Dialogs presented as the installer actually creates a network image of the installer package (.msi) file on the server — for example, the (network) Progress dialog with a dynamic progress bar.


Dialogs presented at the end of the network installation — for example, the (network) Finished dialog.