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CBrush Class Members


CBrush Constructs a CBrush object.


CreateSolidBrush Initializes a brush with the specified solid color.
CreateHatchBrush Initializes a brush with the specified hatched pattern and color.
CreateBrushIndirect Initializes a brush with the style, color, and pattern specified in a structure.
CreatePatternBrush Initializes a brush with a pattern specified by a bitmap.
CreateDIBPatternBrush Initializes a brush with a pattern specified by a device-independent bitmap (DIB).
CreateSysColorBrush Creates a brush that is the default system color.


FromHandle Returns a pointer to a CBrush object when given a handle to a Windows HBRUSH object.


GetLogBrush Gets a structure.
operator HBRUSH Returns the Windows handle attached to the CBrush object.

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