DragEvent Class
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Provides data for the the dragDrop, dragEnter, dragLeave, or dragOver event of a Control object.
package com.ms.wfc.ui
public class DragEvent
extends Event****
The dragDrop event occurs when the user completes a drag-and-drop operation by dragging an object over the control and then dropping it onto the control by releasing the mouse button. The dragEnter event occurs when the user moves the mouse pointer onto the control while dragging an object with the mouse. The dragOver event occurs when the user moves the mouse pointer over the control while dragging an object with the mouse. The dragLeave event occurs when the user moves the mouse pointer out of the control while dragging an object with the mouse. A DragEvent object specifies any data associated with this event, the current state of the SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys, the location of the mouse pointer, and the drag-and-drop effect.