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Win32 Topics

OverviewHow Do I

This family of articles covers several subjects not included in the Win32 SDK documentation or not covered there from the perspective of Visual C++.

For most Win32 programming topics, see the Win32 Programmer’s Reference and the Programmer’s Guide to Windows 95. For your convenience, a number of links to those topics are provided below.

The node gives information about Win32 programming samples. These are distinct from the MFC programming samples under that same node.

You will find additional information in .

What do you want to know more about?

The WINDOWS.H Include File and STRICT Type Checking

Other Topics from the Win32 Programmer’s Reference

  • (GDI)

  • Multimedia Services   see the Graphics and Multimedia Services node in the Platform SDK

  • Shell Features

  • System Services

Other Topics from the Programmer’s Guide to Windows 95

  • Using Windows 95 Features: