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Adds an element into this container.


public void add( DhElement element )

public void add( DhElement element**, int** insertFlag )

public void add( DhElement element**, DhElement** relativeTo**, int** insertFlag )

public void add( DhStyle newStyle )



The element to add to the end of the flow of this container.


One of the applicable insert constants from DhInsertOptions. The valid values for insertFlag are END, BEGINNING, BEFORE, and AFTER.


An element to which the insertFlags parameter relates (this can be null depending on the value of insertFlags).


The DhStyle object to add to this document. You usually do not need to call this form of the DhDocument.add method; when you call DhElement.setStyle, the document style is set automatically.


The form of this method without the insertFlag parameter adds the element following all other elements. The forms with the insertFlag parameter are used to add the element either at the beginning or at the end of this container. Use the form of this method that includes relativeTo to add an element before or after another element.

For information on this method and other available add methods, see DhForm.add.