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Pooling (Application Service Options Dialog Box)


Use the Pooling tab to configure the number and characteristics of the pooled resources.


Pooled Objects per Machine

Provides a place to specify how many pooled objects per machine you want to test.

Pooled Workers per Machine

Provides a place to specify how many pooled workers per machine you want to test.

Use Job Manager

Specifies to use both job queuing and worker pooling.

Use Pool Manager

Specifies to use object pooling only (and not job queuing).

Use Pre-Created, Pooled Resources

Specifies that the worker resources should be pooled and recycled as needed. Without this option, the client needs to instantiate a worker each time it's needed. Your test (and your application) will run more efficiently using pooled resources.

Use Remote Worker Machines

Specifies the use of workers on remote machines. A Configure button displays the Configure the Worker Machines dialog for defining the worker machine names.