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Configure Remote Worker Machines Dialog Box


Use this dialog box to specify each remote worker machine name that is available for the test.


Add to Test

Adds the test machine entered in the Worker Machine Name box to the list of available worker test machines.


Removes the selected worker machine from the available test machines.

Use Service Manager Machine as Worker Machine

Specifies that the job or pool manager machine should also be used as a worker machine. This option is the default when no remote workers are selected. However, when remote workers are specified, you can additionally use the service manager machine as a worker.

Worker Machine Name

Provides a place to specify the name of a worker machine. Enter the name and then click Add to Test to add this worker machine to the list of worker test machines.

Worker Test Machines

Displays the list of active worker machines. To delete a listed worker machine, select the machine name and click Remove. To eliminate a listed machine from the test but still keep the machine in the list, clear the check box beside the machine name.