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LONG SetValue( DWORD dwValue**, LPCTSTR** lpszValueName );

LONG SetValue( LPCTSTR lpszValue**, LPCTSTR** lpszValueName = NULL );

LONG SetValue( HKEY hKeyParent**, LPCTSTR** lpszKeyName**, LPCTSTR** lpszValue**, LPCTSTR** lpszValueName = NULL );

Return Value

If successful, returns ERROR_SUCCESS; otherwise, an error value.



[in] Specifies the data to be stored.


[in] Specifies the value field to be set. If a value field with this name does not already exist in the key, it is added.


[in] Specifies the data to be stored. This parameter must be non-NULL.


[in] The handle of an open key.


[in] Specifies the name of a key to be created or opened. This name must be a subkey of hKeyParent.


Stores data in the specified value field of an open registry key. The first two versions of SetValue use m_hKey as the open key. The third version allows you to create or open a subkey of hKeyParent, and then set the value field of the subkey.

CRegKey OverviewClass Members

See Also   CRegKey::SetKeyValue