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CCommandLineInfo Class Members


CommandLineInfo Constructs a default CCommandLineInfo object.


ParseParam Override this callback to parse individual parameters.

Data Members

m_bShowSplash Indicates if a splash screen should be shown.
m_bRunEmbedded Indicates the command-line /Embedding option was found.
m_bRunAutomated Indicates the command-line /Automation option was found.
m_nShellCommand Indicates the shell command to be processed.
m_strFileName Indicates the filename to be opened or printed; empty if the shell command is New or DDE.
m_strPrinterName Indicates the printer name if the shell command is Print To; otherwise empty.
m_strDriverName Indicates the driver name if the shell command is Print To; otherwise empty.
m_strPortName Indicates the port name if the shell command is Print To; otherwise empty.

CCommandLineInfo OverviewBase Class MembersHierarchy Chart