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Syntax 1

public Checkbox()


Creates a check box with no label. The state of this check box is set to "off," and it is not part of any check box group.

Syntax 2

public Checkbox( String label )

  • label
    a string label for this check box, or null for no label.

Creates a check box with the specified label. The state of this check box is set to "off," and it is not part of any check box group.

Syntax 3

public Checkbox( String label**, boolean** state )

  • label
    a string label for this check box, or null for no label.
  • state
    the initial state of this check box.

Creates a check box with the specified label. The state of this check box is as specified by the state argument, and it is not part of any check box group.

Syntax 4

public Checkbox( String label**, boolean** state**, CheckboxGroup** group )

  • label
    a string label for this check box, or null for no label.
  • state
    the initial state of this check box.
  • group
    a check box group for this check box, or null for no group.

Creates a check box with the specified label, in the specified check box group, and set to the specified state.

Syntax 5

public Checkbox( String label**, CheckboxGroup** group**, boolean** state )


Constructs a Checkbox with the specified label, set to the specified state, and in the specified check box group.