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intGetStringWidth(LPCTSTRlpsz**) const;**

Return Value

The width, in pixels, of the string pointed to by lpsz.



Address of a null-terminated string whose width is to be determined.


Determines the minimum column width necessary to display all of a given string.

The returned width takes into account the control’s current font and column margins, but not the width of a small icon.


// The pointer to my list view control.
extern CListCtrl* pmyListCtrl;

CString strColumn;
int nWidth;

// Insert six columns in the list view control. Make the width of
// the column be the width of the column header plus 50%.
for (int i=0;i < 6;i++)
   strColumn.Format(TEXT("column %d"), i);
   nWidth = 3*pmyListCtrl->GetStringWidth(strColumn)/2;
   pmyListCtrl->InsertColumn(i, strColumn, LVCFMT_LEFT, nWidth);

CListCtrl OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CListCtrl::GetColumnWidth