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DataGrid Methods

Constructors Description
DataGrid Creates a DataGrid control.
Methods Description
addColumn Adds a column to the DataGrid control.
addOnColumnEdited Assigns a delegate to the columnEdited event.
addOnColumnEditing Assigns a delegate to the columnEditing event.
addOnColumnResize Assigns a delegate to the columnResize event.
addOnColumnUpdated Assigns a delegate to the columnUpdated event.
addOnColumnUpdating Assigns a delegate to the columnUpdating event.
addOnDeleted Assigns a delegate to the deleted event.
addOnDeleting Assigns a delegate to the deleting event.
addOnError Assigns a delegate to the error event.
addOnHeaderClick Assigns a delegate to the headerClick event.
addOnInserted Assigns a delegate to the inserted event.
addOnInserting Assigns a delegate to the inserting event.
addOnPositionChange Assigns a delegate to the positionChange event.
addOnRowResize Assigns a delegate to the rowResize event.
addOnScroll Assigns a delegate to the scroll event.
addOnSelChange Assigns a delegate to the selChange event.
addOnUpdated Assigns a delegate to the updated event.
addOnUpdating Assigns a delegate to the updating event.
clearColumns Removes all columns from the grid.
clearSelection Removes any selection in the grid.
getAllowAddNew Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the user can add rows to the grid (provided the underlying recordset allows new records to be added).
getAllowArrows Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the arrow keys can be used to navigate the grid.
getAllowDelete Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the user can delete rows from the grid (provided the underlying recordset allows records to be deleted).
getAllowRowSizing Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the rows in the grid can be resized at run time.
getAllowUpdate Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether data can be modified in the grid (provided the underlying recordset allows records to be modified).
getApproxRowCount Retrieves the approximate number of rows in the DataGrid control.
getBorderStyle Retrieves the current style of the DataGrid control's border.
getCaption Retrieves the text displayed in the caption bar at the top of the grid.
getColumn Retrieves the column at the specified index.
getColumnCount Retrieves the number of columns in the grid, visible or hidden.
getColumnHeaders Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the column headers are displayed.
getColumns Retrieves the collection of all columns in the grid.
getCurrentCellValue Retrieves the value of the current cell.
getCurrentCellVisible Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the current cell is completely visible.
getCurrentColumn Retrieves the current column in the grid.
getCurrentRow Retrieves the bookmark associated with the current row in the grid.
getCurrentRowModified Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the data in the current row has been changed.
getDataMember Retrieves the bound member of the DataGrid control's underlying data source.
getDataSource Retrieves the data source underlying the DataGrid control.
getDefaultColumnWidth Retrieves the default width of all columns in the grid.
getDisplayIndex Retrieves the display index of the row associated with the specified bookmark.
getDynamicColumns Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the columns in the grid are determined dynamically.
getEnterAction Retrieves a value indicating the behavior of the ENTER key within the grid.
getFirstRow Retrieves the bookmark associated with the topmost visible row in the grid.
getGridLineStyle Retrieves the current style of the control's gridlines.
getHeaderFont Retrieves the font of the grid's column headers.
getHeaderLineCount Retrieves the number of lines of text that can be displayed in the grid's column headers.
getLeftColumn Retrieves the index of the leftmost visible column in the grid.
getRowHeight Retrieves the height of the rows in the grid.
getRowSelectors Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether row selectors are displayed in the grid.
getScrollbars Retrieves a value indicating which scroll bars are displayed in the grid.
getSelectedBackColor Retrieves the background color for selected cells in the grid.
getSelectedColumns Retrieves the selected columns in the grid.
getSelectedForeColor Retrieves the color for selected text in the grid.
getSelectedRows Retrieves the bookmarks associated with the selected rows in the grid.
getTabAction Retrieves a value indicating the behavior of the TAB key within the grid.
getVisibleColumns Retrieves the number of visible columns in the grid's current scroll position.
getVisibleRows Retrieves the number of visible rows in the grid's current scroll position.
getWrapCellPointer Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the TAB, ENTER, and arrow keys can be used to wrap the current cell focus around rows and columns.
makeCurrentCellVisible Scrolls the grid to bring the current cell completely into view.
onColumnEdited Triggers the columnEdited event.
onColumnEditing Triggers the columnEditing event.
onColumnResize Triggers the columnResize event.
onColumnUpdated Triggers the columnUpdated event.
onColumnUpdating Triggers the columnUpdating event.
onDeleted Triggers the deleted event.
onDeleting Triggers the deleting event.
onError Triggers the error event.
onHeaderClick Triggers the headerClick event.
onInserted Triggers the inserted event.
onInserting Triggers the inserting event.
onPositionChange Triggers the positionChange event.
onRowResize Triggers the rowResize event.
onScroll Triggers the scroll event.
onSelChange Triggers the selChange event.
onUpdated Triggers the updated event.
onUpdating Triggers the updating event.
rebind Reinitializes the binding between the DataGrid control and the underlying recordset.
removeColumn Removes a column from the grid.
removeOnColumnEdited Removes the delegate that is assigned to the columnEdited event.
removeOnColumnEditing Removes the delegate that is assigned to the columnEditing event.
removeOnColumnResize Removes the delegate that is assigned to the columnResize event.
removeOnColumnUpdated Removes the delegate that is assigned to the columnUpdated event.
removeOnColumnUpdating Removes the delegate that is assigned to the columnUpdating event.
removeOnDeleted Removes the delegate that is assigned to the deleted event.
removeOnDeleting Removes the delegate that is assigned to the deleting event.
removeOnError Removes the delegate that is assigned to the error event.
removeOnHeaderClick Removes the delegate that is assigned to the headerClick event.
removeOnInserted Removes the delegate that is assigned to the inserted event.
removeOnInserting Removes the delegate that is assigned to the inserting event.
removeOnPositionChange Removes the delegate that is assigned to the positionChange event.
removeOnRowResize Removes the delegate that is assigned to the rowResize event.
removeOnScroll Removes the delegate that is assigned to the scroll event.
removeOnSelChange Removes the delegate that is assigned to the selChange event.
removeOnUpdated Removes the delegate that is assigned to the updated event.
removeOnUpdating Removes the delegate that is assigned to the updating event.
rowBookmark Retrieves the bookmark associated with the row that offsets the topmost visible row by the specified number of rows.
rowTop Retrieves the y-coordinate at the top of the specified row.
scroll Scrolls the grid horizontally and vertically.
setAllowAddNew Sets a boolean value indicating whether the user can add rows to the grid (provided the underlying recordset allows new records to be added).
setAllowArrows Sets a boolean value indicating whether the arrow keys can be used to navigate the grid.
setAllowDelete Sets a boolean value indicating whether the user can delete rows from the grid (provided the underlying recordset allows records to be deleted).
setAllowRowSizing Sets a boolean value indicating whether the rows in the grid can be resized at run time.
setAllowUpdate Sets a boolean value indicating whether data can be modified in the grid (provided the underlying recordset allows records to be modified).
setBorderStyle Sets the style of the DataGrid control's border.
setCaption Sets the text displayed in the caption bar at the top of the grid.
setColumnHeaders Sets a boolean value indicating whether the column headers are displayed.
setColumns Sets the collection of all columns in the grid.
setCurrentCellValue Sets the value of the current cell.
setCurrentColumn Sets the current column in the grid.
setCurrentRow Moves the current position to the row associated with the specified bookmark.
setDataMember Sets the bound member of the DataGrid control's underlying data source.
setDataSource Sets the data source underlying the DataGrid control.
setDefaultColumnWidth Sets the default width for all columns in the grid.
setDynamicColumns Sets a boolean value indicating whether the columns in the grid are determined dynamically.
setEnterAction Sets a value indicating the behavior of the ENTER key within the grid.
setFirstRow Sets the topmost visible row in the grid.
setGridLineStyle Sets the style of the control's gridlines.
setHeaderFont Sets the font of the grid's column headers.
setHeaderLineCount Sets the number of lines of text that can be displayed in the grid's column headers.
setLeftColumn Sets the leftmost visible column in the grid.
setRowHeight Sets the height of the rows in the grid.
setRowSelectors Sets a boolean value indicating whether row selectors are displayed in the grid.
setScrollbars Sets a value indicating which scroll bars are displayed.
setSelectedBackColor Sets the background color for selected cells in the grid.
setSelectedColumns Selects the specified columns.
setSelectedForeColor Sets the color for selected text in the grid.
setSelectedRows Selects the rows associated with the specified bookmarks.
setTabAction Sets a value indicating the behavior of the TAB key within the grid.
setWrapCellPointer Sets a boolean value that indicates whether the TAB, ENTER, and arrow keys can be used to wrap the current cell focus around rows and columns.