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CRect::operator LPCRECT



Converts a CRect to an LPCRECT. When you use this function, you don't need the address-of (&) operator. This operator will be automatically used when you pass a CRect object to a function that expects an LPCRECT.


void CYourView::OnInitialUpdate()
   // CWnd::GetWindowRect() takes a LPRECT, but we can
   // simply pass our CRect object because of the LPRECT
   // cast operator in the CRect class.

   CRect rect;

   // Similarly, CWnd::MoveWindow() takes a LPCRECT but
   // the LPCRECT cast operator is used implicitly:

   MoveWindow(rect, FALSE);

   // ... more code here ...

CRect OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CRect::operator LPRECT