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Selects the control that follows or precedes the specified control in the tab order.


public final boolean selectNextControl( Control ctl**, boolean** forward**, boolean** tabStopOnly**, boolean** nested**, boolean** wrap )



A Control object that represents the control to start the search from.


Set to true to search forward through the tab order from the specified control; set to false to search backward through the tab order.


Set to true to include only controls whose tabStop property is set to true; set to false to include all controls in the search.


Set to true if nested children of this control are included in the search; set to false if only direct children of this control are included.


Set to true to start searching at the beginning of the tab order when the end of the tab order is reached; set to false to stop searching at the end of the tab order.

Return Value

Returns true if a control was selected; otherwise, returns false.