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Region Methods

Constructors Description
Region Creates a Region object.
Methods Description
andWith Creates a Region object that contains the elements common to a specified region and this one.
clone Creates a duplicate of this Region object.
contains Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether a specified point or rectangle exists in the region.
copyHandle Retrieves a copy of the Win32 handle for the region on which this object is based.
createElliptical Creates an elliptical region based on a specified bounding rectangle.
createPolygonal Creates a region based on an array of points.
createRectangular Creates a rectangular region based on a specified bounding rectangle.
createRoundedRectangular Creates a rounded rectangular region based on a specified bounding rectangle.
destroyHandle Called when this object is about to destroy its handle.
diffWith Creates a new region that consists of all areas of this region that are not included in the specified one.
dispose Frees all resources allocated by this object.
equals Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the specified object is equivalent to this Region object.
finalize Frees the resources allocated by this object.
getBounds Retrieves the bounding rectangle for this region.
getHandle Retrieves the Win32 handle (HREGION) for this region.
hashCode Retrieves a hash code for this object.
offset Creates a new Region object which consists of this region, relocated by the specified offset.
orWith Creates and returns a new region that represents a union between a specified region and this one.
xorWith Creates a new Region object that contains all non-duplicate elements of this region and a specified one.