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Draws a line segment and an arc.
public final void drawAngleArc( Point center**, int** radius**, float** startAngle**, float** endAngle )
public final void drawAngleArc( Point center**, int** radius**, float** startAngle**, float** endAngle**, RasterOp** op )
public final void drawAngleArc( int centerX**, int** centerY**, int** radius**, float** startAngle**, float** endAngle )
public final void drawAngleArc( int centerX**, int** centerY**, int** radius**, float** startAngle**, float** endAngle**, RasterOp** op )
A Point object that identifies the center of the arc circle.
The x-coordinate of the center of the circle.
The y-coordinate of the center of the circle.
The radius of the circle.
The start angle, in degrees, relative to the x-axis.
The end angle, in degrees, relative to the starting angle.
A RasterOp object that describes how to render the arc angle.
The line segment that results from a call to this method is drawn from the current pen position to the beginning of the arc.
The arc is drawn along the perimeter of a circle with the specified radius and center. The length of the arc is defined by the specified start and end angles, and the arc's starting point is determined by measuring counterclockwise from the x-axis of the circle by the number of degrees specified in startAngle. Similarly, the ending point is located by measuring counterclockwise from the starting point by the number of degrees specified in endAngle.