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Building the Active Project Configuration

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You can choose the project configuration that is built by default. This configuration is called the active project configuration.

What do you want to do?

Set the active project configuration

Build the active project configuration

Rebuild the active project configuration

Stop a build

To set the active project configuration

  • On the Build menu, select Set Active Configuration and click a project configuration.

To build the active project configuration

  • On the Build menu, click Buildproject, where project represents the program or library defined by the project configuration.

To rebuild the active project configuration

  • On the Build menu, click Rebuild All.

Note   Information about the build is displayed in the Output window. The Output window displays information from the build tools and lists any errors or warnings that occur during the build. If no errors are reported, the build completed successfully. If errors are reported, you need to debug them.

To stop a build

  • On the Build menu, click Stop Build.

Notes   Visual C++ stops the currently executing rule if possible; otherwise, it stops the build as soon as the currently executing rule finishes.

Since builds occur in the background, you can continue to use Visual C++ during a build. However, some menu commands and toolbar buttons are disabled during a build. You can use the tabs at the bottom of the Output window to view the previous output from another rule while you are running the current build, and then click the Build tab to return to the current build output.

Visual C++ notifies you with a beep when the build is complete. If you have a sound card installed, you can use the Sound program in the Windows Control Panel to assign the three standard system events listed below to different sounds.

System Event Indicates
Asterisk ( * ) Build has completed without errors or warnings.
Question ( ? ) Build has completed with warnings.
Exclamation ( ! ) Build has completed with errors.