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Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSTrust Namespace

[Starting with the .NET Framework 4.5, Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) has been fully integrated into the .NET Framework. The version of WIF addressed by this topic, WIF 3.5, is deprecated and should only be used when developing against the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or the .NET Framework 4. For more information about WIF in the .NET Framework 4.5, also known as WIF 4.5, see the Windows Identity Foundation documentation in the .NET Framework 4.5 Development Guide.]


Class Description
AuthenticationBadElementsFaultException Represents the AuthenticationBadElements fault defined by WS-Trust.
BadRequestFaultException Represents the BadRequest fault defined by WS-Trust.
ChannelFactoryOperations A utility class that defines methods for creating various types of channels.
DispatchContext Defines the inputs and outputs to the DispatchRequest method.
Entropy Represents the entropy used in both token request messages and token response messages.
ExpiredDataFaultException Represents the ExpiredData fault defined by WS-Trust.
FailedAuthenticationFaultException Represents the FailedAuthentication fault defined by WS-Trust.
FederatedClientCredentials Provides the ability to specify additional WS-Trust parameters to use when requesting an issued token or to specify the issued token to use explicitly.
FederatedClientCredentialsParameters Encapsulates properties that control the token retrieval logic of FederatedSecurityTokenProvider objects.
FederatedClientCredentialsSecurityTokenManager Provides a security token manager for federated client credentials.
FederatedSecurityTokenProvider Extends the IssuedSecurityTokenProvider class with the capability of using an explicit security token or enclosing one in wst:ActAs or wst:OnBehalfOf elements in any wst:RequestSecurityToken messages sent to security token services.
InvalidRequestFaultException Represents the InvalidRequest fault defined by WS-Trust.
InvalidScopeFaultException This class represents the InvalidScope fault defined by WS-Trust.
InvalidSecurityTokenFaultException This class represents the InvalidSecurityToken fault defined by WS-Trust.
InvalidTimeRangeFaultException This class represents the InvalidTimeRange fault defined by WS-Trust.
Lifetime Represents the wst:Lifetime element.
ProtectedKey Represents the contents of a wst:Entropy or a wst:RequestedProofToken element inside the RequestSecurityToken and RequestSecurityTokenResponse.
Renewing Represents the wst:Renewing element in a WS-Trust renew request.
RenewNeededFaultException This class represents the RenewNeeded fault defined by WS-Trust.
RequestClaim Represents a single requested claim in a security token request (RST).
RequestClaimCollection Represents a collection of the RequestClaim objects inside RequestSecurityToken.
RequestedProofToken Represents the contents of a wst:RequestedProofToken element.
RequestedSecurityToken Represents the requested (issued) security token.
RequestFailedFaultException This class represents the RequestFailed fault defined by WS-Trust.
RequestSecurityToken Represents the wst:RequestSecurityToken element (RST), which is used to request a security token.
RequestSecurityTokenResponse Represents the wst:RequestSecurityTokenResponse element, which is used to return a security token.
SimpleSecurityTokenProvider Represents a security token provider that produces a security token as an issued token for federated bindings.
Status Represents the result of a WS-Trust Validation request.
UnableToRenewFaultException This class represents the UnableToRenew fault defined by WS-Trust.
UseKey Represents the contents of the wst:UseKey element.
WSPolicyConstants Defines constants for the WS-Policy namespace URI and prefix.
ElementNames Defines name constants for the elements defined by WS-Policy.
WSTrust13Constants Defines constants for WS-Trust Version 1.3.
Actions Defines constants for the WS-Addressing action URIs defined in WS-Trust Version 1.3.
AttributeNames Defines constants for the names of the attributes defined in WS-Trust Version 1.3.
ComputedKeyAlgorithms Defines constants for the URIs that represent computed key algorithms in WS-Trust Version 1.3.
ElementNames Defines constants for the names of the elements defined in WS-Trust Version 1.3.
FaultCodeValues Defines constants for the SOAP Fault codes defined in WS-Trust Version 1.3.
KeyTypes Defines constants for the key type URIs defined in WS-Trust Version 1.3.
RequestTypes Defines constants for the request type URIs defined in WS-Trust Version 1.3.
WSTrust13RequestSerializer Class for serializing and deserializing WS-Trust 1.3 RequestSecurityToken (RST) messages.
WSTrust13ResponseSerializer Class for serializing and deserializing WS-Trust 1.3 RequestSecurityTokenResponse (RSTR) messages.
WSTrust14Constants Defines constants for WS-Trust Version 1.4.
ElementNames Defines constants for the names of new elements defined in WS-Trust Version 1.4.
WSTrustChannel Represents a channel that is used to send WS-Trust messages to a security token service (STS).
WSTrustChannelFactory A factory that produces channels (WSTrustChannel objects) used to communicate to a WS-Trust endpoint.
WSTrustFeb2005Constants Defines constants for WS-Trust Version Feb 2005.
Actions Defines constants for the WS-Addressing action URIs defined in WS-Trust Version Feb 2005.
AttributeNames Defines constants for the names of the attributes defined in WS-Trust Version Feb 2005.
ComputedKeyAlgorithms Defines constants for the URIs that represent computed key algorithms in WS-Trust Version Feb 2005.
ElementNames Defines constants for the names of the elements defined in WS-Trust Version Feb 2005.
FaultCodeValues Defines constants for the SOAP Fault codes defined in WS-Trust Version Feb 2005.
KeyTypes Defines constants for the URIs that represent computed key algorithms in WS-Trust Version Feb 2005.
RequestTypes Defines constants for the request type URIs defined in WS-Trust Version Feb 2005.
WSTrustFeb2005RequestSerializer Class for serializing and deserializing WS-Trust Feb 2005 RequestSecurityToken (RST) messages.
WSTrustFeb2005ResponseSerializer Class for serializing and deserializing WS-Trust Feb 2005 RequestSecurityTokenResponse (RSTR) messages.
WSTrustMessage The Base class for RST and RSTR.
WSTrustRequestBodyWriter Represents a message body writer that writes an RST to an outgoing message.
WSTrustRequestProcessingErrorEventArgs Event Argument that is created when a Trust Request Fault is raised.
WSTrustRequestSerializer The abstract base class that defines methods for serializing and deserializing versions of WS-Trust request (RST) messages.
WSTrustResponseBodyWriter Represents a message body writer that writes an RSTR to an outgoing message.
WSTrustResponseSerializer The abstract base class that defines methods for serializing and deserializing versions of WS-Trust response (RSTR) messages.
WSTrustSerializationContext Defines the serialization context for WS-Trust messages.
WSTrustSerializationException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs while serializing or deserializing a WS-Trust message.
WSTrustServiceContract Represents an implementation of a WS-Trust contract. Implements the following ServiceContract interfaces: 1. IWSTrustFeb2005SyncContract, 2. IWSTrust13SyncContract, 3. IWSTrustFeb2005AsyncContract, and 4. IWSTrust13AsyncContract
WSTrustServiceContractConstants Defines constants for the WS-Trust service contract namespace and service behavior name.
Contracts Defines name constants for the WS-Trust service contracts.
Operations Defines name constants for the operation contracts (operations) specified in the WS-Trust service contracts.
WSTrustServiceHost This class extends the ServiceHost class implemented by the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service model programming model. It is a service host for registering Security Token Services (STSs) and lets you expose an STS for use by client applications when you are not using Internet Information Services (IIS). The ServiceHost will have multiple endpoints registered based on the number of listeners registered in the configuration.
WSTrustServiceHostFactory Factory that provides instances of WSTrustServiceHost in managed hosting environments where the host instance is created dynamically in response to incoming messages.
WSUtilityConstants Defines constants for the namespace and namespace prefix for the utility elements and attributes defined by WS-Security.
Attributes Defines constants for the names of the utility attributes defined by WS-Security.
ElementNames Defines constants for the names of the utility elements defined by WS-Security.


Interface Description
IWSTrust13AsyncContract Defines an asynchronous service contract interface for the WS-Trust 1.3 protocol.
IWSTrust13SyncContract Defines the service contract for the WS-Trust 1.3 protocol.
IWSTrustChannelContract A service contract that defines the methods which wrap the Message-oriented operation contracts exposed by IWSTrustContract.
IWSTrustContract Defines the IWSTrustContract for sending WS-Trust messages to an STS.
IWSTrustFeb2005AsyncContract Defines an asynchronous service contract interface for the WS-Trust Feb 2005 protocol.
IWSTrustFeb2005SyncContract Defines the service contract for the WS-Trust Feb 2005 protocol.

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