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Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSFederation Namespace

[Starting with the .NET Framework 4.5, Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) has been fully integrated into the .NET Framework. The version of WIF addressed by this topic, WIF 3.5, is deprecated and should only be used when developing against the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or the .NET Framework 4. For more information about WIF in the .NET Framework 4.5, also known as WIF 4.5, see the Windows Identity Foundation documentation in the .NET Framework 4.5 Development Guide.]


Class Description
AlreadySignedInFaultException Represents the AlreadySignedIn fault defined by WS-Federation.
AttributeRequestMessage Represents a WS-Federation Attribute Request message. This message is created when the wa parameter in the received message is “wattr1.0”.
IssuerNameNotSupportedFaultException Represents the IssuerNameNotSupported fault defined by WS-Federation.
NeedFresherCredentialsFaultException Represents the NeedFresherCredentials fault defined by WS-Federation.
NoMatchInScopeFaultException Represents the NoMatchInScope fault defined by WS-Federation.
NoPseudonymInScopeFaultException Represents the NoPseudonymInScope fault defined by WS-Federation.
NotSignedInFaultException Represents the NotSignedIn fault defined by WS-Federation.
PseudonymRequestMessage Represents a WS-Federation Pseudonym Request message. This message is created when the received message wa parameter is “wpseudo1.0”.
RstParameterNotAcceptedFaultException Represents the RstParameterNotAccepted fault defined by WS-Federation.
SignInRequestMessage Represents a WS-Federation Sign-In Request message.
SignInResponseMessage Represents a WS-Federation Sign-In Response message.
SignOutCleanupRequestMessage Represents a WS-Federation Sign-Out Cleanup message. The message is created when the received message has the action parameter (wa) set to “wsignoutcleanup1.0”.
SignOutRequestMessage Represents a WS-Federation Sign-Out message. This message is created when the received message has the action parameter (wa) set to “wsignout1.0”.
UnsupportedClaimsDialectFaultException Represents the UnsupportedClaimsDialect fault defined by WS-Federation.
UnsupportedEncodingFaultException Represents the UnsupportedEncoding fault defined by WS-Federation.
WSAuthorizationConstants Defines WS-Federation Authorization constants.
Attributes Defines string constants for the attributes of the WS-Federation ContextItem authorization element.
Elements Defines string constants for the WS-Federation authorization elements.
WSFederationConstants Defines the WS-Federation Constants.
Actions Defines string constants for the request and response actions defined by WS-Federation.
FaultCodeValues Defines string constants for the SOAP fault code values defined by WS-Federation.
Parameters Defines string constants for the request and response parameters defined by WS-Federation.
WSFederationMessage Defines the base class from which all WS-Federation messages classes derive.
WSFederationMessageException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs while serializing or deserializing a WS-Federation message.
WSFederationMetadataConstants Defines WS-Federation metadata constants.
Attributes Defines WS-Federation metadata attribute constants.
Elements Defines WS-Federation metadata elements.
WSFederationSerializer Provides methods to convert a WS-Federation message to RequestSecurityToken and RequestSecurityTokenResponse objects, which are WS-Trust protocol specific.

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