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PlayReady Client SDK for Windows Store Apps

PlayReady Client SDK for Windows Store Apps enables developers to create Windows Store apps capable of providing PlayReady content to the user while enforcing the access rules defined by the content provider. This section describes Microsoft PlayReady Client SDK for Windows Store Apps. It contains the following main topics:

Topic Description

Introduction to PlayReady Client SDK for Windows Store Apps

An introduction and overview to the PlayReady Client SDK for Windows Store Apps.  

Getting Started

Describes when to use the PlayReady Client SDK for Windows Store Apps along with software requirements and installation instructions.

Programming Guide

Provides information you can use to program PlayReady protected media content in your Windows Store app.

PlayReady Windows Store App Examples

Walkthroughs of example Windows Store apps using the PlayReady SDK.

Microsoft.Media.PlayReadyClient Reference

Programming reference for the Windows.Media.PlayReadyClient namespace.