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Microsoft.Phone.Shell Namespace

[ This article is for Windows Phone 8 developers. If you’re developing for Windows 10, see the latest documentation. ]

This namespace provides access to shell APIs for Windows Phone.


  Class Description
ActivatedEventArgs Provides data for Activated events.
ApplicationBar Represents an Application Bar in Windows Phone applications.
ApplicationBarIconButton An Application Bar button with an icon.
ApplicationBarMenuItem An item that can be added to the menu of an ApplicationBar.
ApplicationBarStateChangedEventArgs Provides data for StateChanged events that occur when the user opens or closes the Application Bar.
ClosingEventArgs Provides data for the Closing event.
CycleTileData Describes a Tile template that cycles between 1 to 9 background images.
DeactivatedEventArgs Provides data for the Deactivated event.
FlipTileData Describes a Tile template that flips from the front to the back side. Allows customization of the background image and text for both the front and back Tile.
HideEventArgs Provides data for HideRequested events.
IconicTileData Describes an iconic Tile template.
LaunchingEventArgs Provides data for Launching events.
MinimizeEventArgs Provides data for MinimizeRequested events.
OverlayApplicationService Controls various aspects of the overlay application.
PhoneApplicationService The PhoneApplicationService class provides access to various aspects of the application’s lifetime. This includes management of the application’s idle behavior and management of the application’s state when it becomes active or inactive.
PhoneAppointmentsProviderLaunchingEventArgs Provides information about the appointment provider request the app is being asked to complete.
PhoneFileOpenPickerLaunchingEventArgs Provides information about the file open picker provider request that the app is being asked to complete.
PhoneFileSavePickerLaunchingEventArgs Provides information about the file save picker provider request the app is being asked to complete.
ProgressIndicator Provides methods and properties for interacting with the progress indicator on the system tray on an application page.
RunningInBackgroundEventArgs Provides data for the RunningInBackground event.
ShareLaunchingEventArgs Provides information about the share operation the app is being requested to complete.
ShellTile Manages the Application Tile and secondary Tiles for an application.
ShellTileData Base class for Tile data.
ShellTileSchedule Creates an object that allows an application to schedule updates of its Tile's background image.
ShellToast Used for displaying a toast to the user.
ShowEventArgs Provides data for ShowRequested events.
StandardTileData Data for a Tile pinned to Start. Tiles have a "front" and "back" to them, and this class holds all this data.
SystemTray Provides methods and properties for interacting with the system tray on an application page.
VisibleRegionChangedEventArgs Provides data for VisibleRegionChanged events.


  Interface Description
IApplicationBar Defines events and properties for the Application Bar in Windows Phone applications.
IApplicationBarIconButton The interface from which ApplicationBarIconButton inherits.
IApplicationBarMenuItem The interface from which ApplicationBarMenuItem inherits.


  Enumeration Description
ApplicationBarMode Specifies the size of an Application Bar.
DeactivationReason Lists the reasons why an application was terminated. This is used by the Reason property of the DeactivatedEventArgs object when the Deactivated event is raised.
IdleDetectionMode Defines the status for idle detection of users and applications. Used with the UserIdleDetectionMode and ApplicationIdleDetectionMode properties.
StartupMode Lists the modes in which an application can be started. Used by the StartupMode property.
UpdateInterval Defines which interval will be used with the schedule if UpdateRecurrence has been set to Interval.
UpdateRecurrence Defines whether the schedule will be executed one time or multiple times.