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Microsoft.Phone.Tasks Namespace

[ This article is for Windows Phone 8 developers. If you’re developing for Windows 10, see the latest documentation. ]

This namespace allows applications to use Launchers and Choosers to provide a set of common tasks to their users, such as placing phone calls, sending email, and taking pictures.


  Class Description
AddressChooserTask Allows an application to launch the Contacts application. Use this to obtain the physical address of a contact selected by the user.
AddressResult Represents a physical address returned from a call to the Show()()() method.
AddWalletItemResult The result object returned in the Completed event handler for the AddWalletItemTask chooser.
AddWalletItemTask Allows an application to launch the Wallet application. The provided Wallet item is displayed to the user and the user can choose to add the item to his or her Wallet.
BingMapsDirectionsTask Allows an application to launch the Bing Maps application, specifying a starting location or an ending location, or both, for which driving directions are displayed.
BingMapsTask Allows an application to launch the Bing Maps application centered at the location specified with the Center property or at the user’s current location. If SearchTerm is set, locations matching the search term are tagged on the map.
CameraCaptureTask Allows an application to launch the Camera application. Use this to allow users to take a photo from your application.
ChooserBase<(Of <(TTaskEventArgs>)>) The base class from which all Choosers are derived. This class exposes a common function for showing the Choosers and an event for handling the Chooser result.
ConnectionSettingsTask Allows an application to launch a Settings dialog that allows the user to change the device’s network connection settings.
EmailAddressChooserTask Allows an application to launch the Contacts application. Use this to obtain the email address of a contact selected by the user.
EmailComposeTask Allows an application to launch the email application with a new message displayed. Use this to allow users to send email from your application.
EmailResult Represents an email address returned from a call to the Show method of a EmailAddressChooserTask object.
GameInviteTask Allows an application to show a game invite screen that allows the user to invite players to a multiplayer game session.
LabeledMapLocation Represents a geographic coordinate and an associated label that identifies it, such as the location of a business and the business name. This class is used with the BingMapsDirectionsTask class.
MapDownloaderTask Allows an application to launch the Maps settings application. Use this to allow users to download map data for offline use.
MapsDirectionsTask Allows an application to launch the Maps application, specifying a starting location or an ending location, or both, for which driving directions are displayed.
MapsTask Allows an application to launch the Maps application centered at the location specified with the Center property or at the user’s current location. If SearchTerm is set, locations matching the search term are tagged on the map.
MapUpdaterTask Allows an application to launch the Maps settings application. Use this to allow users to update offline map data they have previously downloaded.
MarketplaceDetailTask Allows an application to launch the Store client application and display the details page for the specified product.
MarketplaceHubTask Allows an application to launch the Store client application.
MarketplaceReviewTask Allows an application to launch the Store client application and display the review page for the specified product.
MarketplaceSearchTask Allows an application to launch the Store client application and display the search results from the specified search terms.
MediaPlayerLauncher Allows an application to launch the media player.
PhoneCallTask Allows an application to launch the Phone application. Use this to allow users to make a phone call from your application.
PhoneNumberChooserTask Allows an application to launch the Contacts application. Use this to obtain the phone number of a contact selected by the user.
PhoneNumberResult Represents a phone number returned from a call to the Show method of a PhoneNumberChooserTask object.
PhotoChooserTask Allows an application to launch the Photo Chooser application. Use this to allow users to select a photo.
PhotoResult Represents a photo returned from a call to the Show method of a PhotoChooserTask object or a CameraCaptureTask object.
SaveAppointmentTask Allows an application to launch the calendar application with a new appointment displayed. Use this to allow users to add an appointment to their calendar from your application.
SaveContactResult Contains the result of an attempt to save a contact.
SaveContactTask Provides methods and events for launching the contacts application and enabling a user to save a contact.
SaveEmailAddressTask Allows an application to launch the contacts application. Use this to allow users to save an email address from your application to a new or existing contact.
SavePhoneNumberTask Allows an application to launch the contacts application. Use this to allow users to save a phone number from your application to a new or existing contact.
SaveRingtoneTask Enables an application to launch the ringtones application. Use the SaveRingtoneTask to allow users to save a ringtone from your application to the system ringtones list.
SearchTask Allows an application to launch the Web Search application.
ShareLinkTask Allows an application to launch a dialog that enables the user to share a link on the social networks of their choice.
ShareMediaTask Allows an application to launch a dialog that allows a user to share a media file on the social networks of their choice.
ShareStatusTask Allows an application to launch a dialog that enables the user to share a status message on the social networks of their choice.
ShareTaskBase The base class for the social network sharing APIs, ShareLinkTask and ShareStatusTask.
SmsComposeTask Launches the Messaging application with a new SMS message displayed.
TaskEventArgs The EventArgs used by the Completed event for all Choosers.
WebBrowserTask Allows an application to launch the web browser application.


  Enumeration Description
ConnectionSettingsType Lists the network connection settings types supported by ConnectionSettingsTask.
MarketplaceContentType Defines the list of content types that can be shown by the Store client application. This enumeration is used by MarketplaceDetailTask, MarketplaceHubTask, and MarketplaceSearchTask.
MediaLocationType Lists the data stores in which a media file can be stored. Used by MediaPlayerLauncher.
MediaPlaybackControls An enumeration defining the bitwise flags that are used with the Controls property of the MediaPlayerLauncher object to specify which controls should be displayed by the media player application.
MediaPlayerOrientation Defines the list of orientations in which the media player can be launched.
Reminder Lists the values you can set for an appointment reminder. This enumeration is used by Reminder property.
TaskResult Describes the success status of a Chooser operation.