Creating a certificate request Windows Runtime app using JavaScript
To create a certificate request, you must first create a CertificateRequestProperties object and define the properties your certificate should have. By default, the constructor sets the following properties.
Property | Default value |
Empty string |
KeyAlgorithmNames.RSA |
KeySize.RSA2048 |
Empty String |
HashAlgorithmNames.Sha256 |
ExportOption.NotExportable |
EnrollKeyUsage.Signing |
KeyProtectionLevel.NoConsent |
KeystorageProviderNames.SoftwareKeyStorageProvider This is the "Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider" |
To create the request, call the CreateRequestAsync method. This is shown by the following example.
function createCertificateRequest() {
// Declare a certificate request message.
var myMessage = "";
// Note - The default constructor for a CertificateRequestProperties object
// sets the following default property values:
// subject: "" -- empty string
// keyAlgorithm: KeyAlgorithm.RSA
// keySize: KeySizes.RSA2048 -- 2048 bits
// friendlyName: "" -- empty string
// hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithms.SHA256
// exportable: ExportOptions.NotExportable
// keyUsage: EnrollKeyUsages.Signing
// keyProtectionLevel: KeyProtectionLevel.NoConsent
// keyStorageProvider: KeystorageProviders.SoftwareKsp -- "Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider"
try {
// Create a default CertificateRequestProperties object.
var myRequestProperties = new Windows.Security.Cryptography.Certificates.CertificateRequestProperties();
// Override the default subject and display names.
myRequestProperties.subject = "Toby";
myRequestProperties.friendlyName = "Toby's Cert";
// Call a custom function to convert the request properties to a string.
myMessage = "Create certificate request:" + convertCertificateRequestPropertiestoString(myRequestProperties);
// Create a certificate request from the CertificateRequestProperties object.
myRequest = Windows.Security.Cryptography.Certificates.CertificateEnrollmentManager.createRequest(myRequestProperties);
myMessage = myMessage + "\n\nCertificate request creation succeeded.\nEncoded request String:\n " + myRequest;
// Display the request string in your program (here called SDKSample)
catch (e) {
myMessage = myMessage + "\n\nCertificate request creation failed.";
myMessage = myMessage + convertErrortoString(e);
Related topics
Submitting a certificate request and installing the certificate response