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WalletItem Properties

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

[ This article is for Windows Phone 8 developers. If you’re developing for Windows 10, see the latest documentation. ]

The WalletItem type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
BarcodeImage Gets or sets an image that represents the barcode of the wallet item.
CustomerName Gets or sets the customer name of the wallet item.
CustomProperties Gets the collection of CustomWalletProperty objects associated with the wallet item.
DisplayName Gets or sets the name or title to be displayed to the user.
Id Gets the Id of the wallet item.
IsAcknowledged Gets or sets whether this item has been acknowledged by the app. Default value is false, meaning the item is new.
IssuerName Gets or sets the issuer name of the wallet item.
IssuerWebsite Gets or sets the full, http or https, URI for the issuer’s web site.
IsUserAttentionRequired Gets a value that indicates whether a user attention required notification is visible to the user.
LastUpdated Gets or sets the date and time the data for this item was last updated.
Logo159x159 Gets or sets the medium (159 x 159) logo of the wallet item.
Logo336x336 Gets or sets the large (336 x 336) logo of the wallet item.
Logo99x99 Gets or sets the small (99 x 99) logo of the wallet item.
Message Gets or sets the status message of the wallet item.
MessageNavigationUri Gets or sets Uri of the app to launch when the user taps the status message.
NavigationUri Gets or sets a relative URI to a page in the app.
Notes Gets or sets the notes for the wallet item
UserImage Gets or sets the user image of the wallet item.


See Also


WalletItem Class

Microsoft.Phone.Wallet Namespace