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Microsoft.Phone.Wallet Namespace

[ This article is for Windows Phone 8 developers. If you’re developing for Windows 10, see the latest documentation. ]

The Microsoft.Phone.Wallet namespace provides types for interacting with the Wallet feature of the phone. Apps can add and manage items in the Wallet, define payment instruments and interact with NFC and the Secure Element on the phone.


If you use this API in your app, you must specify the following capabilities in the app manifest. Otherwise, your app might not work correctly or it might exit unexpectedly.


API that requires this capability


Required for all Wallet API, which is anything in Microsoft.Phone.Wallet or Microsoft.Phone.SecureElement.


Required for PaymentInstrument and OnlinePaymentInstrument.


Required for SecureElementSession, SecureElementChannel and SecureElementReader.

For more info, see App capabilities and hardware requirements for Windows Phone 8.


  Class Description
CustomWalletProperty Defines a custom property on a wallet item. Using CustomWalletProperty, apps can attach app-specific data to a wallet item.
Deal A deal wallet item.
OnlinePaymentInstrument Represents payment instruments imported from the Microsoft Billing System.
OnlinePaymentInstrumentKind Represents the kinds of online payment instruments that are supported.
PaymentInstrument A wallet item that represents a payment instrument.
RefreshDataEventArgs Represents arguments used in wallet item update event.
Wallet Provides an app access to its Wallet items.
WalletAddress Represents a wallet item’s address.
WalletAddresses Represents a group of addresses associated with a wallet item.
WalletAgent An implementation of a BackgroundAgent specifically designed to enable a wallet app to be notified about wallet operations related to wallet items specific to that app.
WalletItem Base class for all wallet items. All items that can be stored in the wallet are derived from this class.
WalletItemCollection Represents a read-only collection of wallet items.
WalletPhoneNumbers Represents a group of phone numbers related to a wallet item.
WalletPropertyBase Provides properties that are inherited by derived classes including WalletTransaction.
WalletTransaction Represents a single wallet transaction in the transaction history.
WalletTransactionItem Represents a generic wallet item that supports a transaction history and can have an applet in the secure element on the phone.
WalletTransactionItemBase The base class for transactional wallet items.


  Interface Description
IWalletTransactionHistory Exposes wallet item transaction history.


  Enumeration Description
PaymentInstrumentKinds Specifies the kinds of payment instruments that are supported.
WalletItemUsages Defines what the wallet item can be used for. These are flags; bitwise operations can be used to combine them.
WalletUserActionResultKind Represents the kinds of result that are possible from a user action on a wallet item.

See Also


Other Resources

Wallet membership and deals sample

Wallet payments instruments sample