TimerTrigger (Windows Phone)
You can use the TimerTrigger trigger to invoke an action that is based on a timer.
To add a TimerTrigger to a Windows Phone project
In the Assets panel, click Behaviors, and then drag the behavior that you want onto the object that you want to apply the behavior to. The Trigger category appears in the Properties panel.
In the Trigger category, next to TriggerType (EventTrigger), click New. In the Select Object dialog box, click TimerTrigger, and then click OK.
In the SourceName dialog box, use the Artboard element picker to pick the element from a list of elements that appear on the artboard.
In the SourceObject dialog box, select the element that you want to define a keyboard shortcut for. By default, the SourceObject is the element that contains an action. Use the Artboard element picker to select the element that you want directly on the artboard or click Data bind to bind the data.
Set the following:
MillisecondsPerTick Specifies the time between invocations of the action, in milliseconds. By default, the value is 1000, or 1 second.
TotalTicks Specifies an upper limit for the number of times the action will be invoked. By default, the value is set to Infinite. You can also type a number directly into the text box.