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Microsoft.Uddi.Businesses Namespace

Note: The Microsoft UDDI SDK is not supported by or included in Microsoft Windows versions after Microsoft Windows Server 7. The Microsoft UDDI V3 SDK is included with Microsoft BizTalk Server. For more information about the Microsoft UDDI V3 SDK, see Microsoft BizTalk Server documentation
The Microsoft.Uddi.Businesses namespace includes the business entity classes and structures and the publisher assertion classes.


Class Description
Address Contains the address information for a contact.
AddressCollection Contains a collection of Address objects. The AddressCollection class is used with the Contact.Addresses property.
AddressLineCollection Contains a collection of AddressLine objects.
AssertionStatusItem Represents a publisher assertion and status information. A publisher assertion is a claim that two businesses are related.
AssertionStatusItemCollection Used with the AssertionStatusReport.AssertionStatusItems property to contain a collection of one or more AssertionStatusItem objects.
BusinessEntity Represents a UDDI business entity.
BusinessEntityCollection Contains a collection of BusinessEntity objects. An instance of this class is contained in the BusinessDetail.BusinessEntities property.
BusinessEntityExt Represents a UDDI extended business entity. The BusinessDetailExt.BusinessEntitiesExt property contains a collection of BusinessEntityExt objects.
BusinessEntityExtCollection Contains a collection of BusinessEntityExt objects. An instance of this class is contained in the BusinessDetailExt.BusinessEntitiesExt property.
BusinessInfo Manages information about a registered UDDI business. The information in this class is a subset of the information in the BusinessEntity class.
BusinessInfoCollection Contains a collection of BusinessInfo objects. An instance of this class is contained in the BusinessList.BusinessInfos property.
Contact Holds contact information for a business. Contact information includes addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses. The BusinessEntity.Contacts property contains a ContactCollection object that contains a collection of Contact objects.
ContactCollection The ContactCollection class contains a collection of Contact objects. An instance of this class is obtained from the BusinessEntity.Contacts property.
DiscoveryUrlCollection Contains a collection of DiscoveryUrl objects. An instance of this class is obtained from the BusinessEntity.DiscoveryUrls and FindBusiness.DiscoveryUrls properties.
EmailCollection Contains a collection of Email objects. An instance of this class is obtained from the Contact.Emails property.
KeysOwned Represents the keys that are managed by a given publisher. The AssertionStatusItem.KeysOwned property contains an instance of this class.
PhoneCollection Contains a collection of Phone structures. An instance of this class is obtained from the Contact.Phones property.
PublisherAssertion Represents a publisher assertion. A publisher assertion is a claim that two business entities are related. The PublisherAssertionCollection class contains a collection of PublisherAssertion objects.
PublisherAssertionCollection Used to contain a collection of PublisherAssertion objects.
RelatedBusinessInfo Represents information about a related business.
RelatedBusinessInfoCollection Manages a collection of RelatedBusinessInfo objects.
SharedRelationships Represents a relationship between two business entities.


Structure Description
AddressLine Contains a single line of an address.
DiscoveryUrl Represents an alternative, file-based service discovery mechanism. The DiscoveryUrlCollection class contains a collection of DiscoveryUrl structures.
Email Represents an e-mail address. The EmailCollection class contains a collection of Email structures.
Phone Represents a telephone number. The PhoneCollection class contains a collection of Phone structures.

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