OfflineClusterResourceEx function (clusapi.h)

Extends the OfflineClusterResource method. The client can use the flags to control policies of the resource and the input buffer to send specific instructions for the offline operation to the resource. For instance, the input buffer can be used to instruct a VM to go offline by saving its state as opposed to shutting down.


DWORD OfflineClusterResourceEx(
  [in] HRESOURCE hResource,
  [in] DWORD     dwOfflineFlags,
  [in] PBYTE     lpInBuffer,
  [in] DWORD     cbInBufferSize


[in] hResource

The handle to a cluster resource.

[in] dwOfflineFlags

Flags that influence the offline policy.

This parameter can be set to one or more of the following values:


Ignore the status of the resource if the resource is locked.


The resource is to be marked as unavailable and shut down without waiting for the cleanup process to complete.


No flags are specified.

Windows Server 2012:  This value is not supported before Windows Server 2012 R2.


The reason is unknown.

Windows Server 2012:  This value is not supported before Windows Server 2012 R2.


The resource is being moved to another node.

Windows Server 2012:  This value is not supported before Windows Server 2012 R2.


There was a user request to bring the resource offline.

Windows Server 2012:  This value is not supported before Windows Server 2012 R2.


The resource is being deleted.

Windows Server 2012:  This value is not supported before Windows Server 2012 R2.


The resource is being restarted.

Windows Server 2012:  This value is not supported before Windows Server 2012 R2.


The resource had a preemptive failure.

Windows Server 2012:  This value is not supported before Windows Server 2012 R2.


The resource is shutting down.

Windows Server 2012:  This value is not supported before Windows Server 2012 R2.

[in] lpInBuffer

Contains instructions for the offline operation that are targeted at the specific resource. lpInBuffer is formatted as a property list, which means that the instructions are contained in property values. The resource DLL searches the property list for property names that it supports for offline operations and then interprets the instructions in the associated property value. Note that the properties supported by a resource in an OfflineClusterResourceEx operation are not related to the private properties associated with a resource.

[in] cbInBufferSize

The size of lpInBuffer, in bytes.

Return value

OfflineClusterResourceEx returns ERROR_IO_PENDING if the offline command has been accepted and is in progress. OfflineClusterResourceEx returns a nonzero error code if the offline command was rejected immediately with no changes to resource state.


OfflineClusterResourceEx fails immediately with error ERROR_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_LOCKED_STATUS if the CLUSAPI_RESOURCE_OFFLINE_IGNORE_RESOURCE_LOCKED_STATUS flag is not set and the resource has indicated that it is “locked” in its current state.

Similar to MoveClusterGroupEx, if OfflineClusterResourceEx returns ERROR_IO_PENDING, then the cluster service will attempt to bring the resource to the offline state.

OfflineClusterResourceEx requires that the client be granted Full access in the cluster security descriptor.


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ClusAPI.h>

#define DemoResDllTypeName L"dummy"
#define DemoResourceName L"DemoResource"

BOOL WaitForResourceToGoOffline(__in HRESOURCE hResource)
        CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE state = GetClusterResourceState( hResource, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 );
        if( state == ClusterResourceOnline || state == ClusterResourceFailed)
            return false;
        else if ( state == ClusterResourceOffline )
            return true;


int __cdecl main( void )
    HCLUSTER hCluster= NULL;
    HRESOURCE hResource = NULL;
    DWORD error = 0;
    hCluster = OpenCluster( NULL );
    if ( hCluster == NULL )
        error = GetLastError();
        wprintf( L"Failed to open cluster: 0x%x\n", error );
        goto Cleanup;

    hResource = OpenClusterResource( hCluster, DemoResourceName );
    if ( hResource == NULL )
        error = GetLastError();
        wprintf( L"Failed to open cluster resource " DemoResourceName L": 0x%x\n", error );
        goto Cleanup;

    // Offlining Resource example
    error = OfflineClusterResourceEx(hResource, CLUSAPI_RESOURCE_OFFLINE_IGNORE_RESOURCE_STATUS, NULL, 0);
    if ( error == ERROR_IO_PENDING  )
        if (WaitForResourceToGoOffline(hResource))
            error = ERROR_SUCCESS;
    if ( error )
        wprintf( L"Failed to offline the resource" DemoResourceName L": 0x%x\n", error );
        goto Cleanup;
        wprintf( L"Offlined the resource" DemoResourceName);


    if ( hResource != NULL )
        CloseClusterResource( hResource );
        hResource = NULL;
    if ( hCluster != NULL )
        CloseCluster( hCluster );
        hCluster = NULL;

    return (int)error;


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012
Target Platform Windows
Header clusapi.h
Library ClusAPI.lib
DLL ClusAPI.dll