IOfflineFilesSyncConflictHandler::ResolveConflict method (cscobj.h)

Provides a resolution decision for a sync conflict.


HRESULT ResolveConflict(
  [in]  LPCWSTR                            pszPath,
  [in]  DWORD                              fStateKnown,
  [in]  OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_STATE            state,
  [in]  DWORD                              fChangeDetails,
  [out] LPWSTR                             *ppszNewName


[in] pszPath

The fully qualified UNC path of the item in conflict.

[in] fStateKnown

Indicates if the sync state was based on the client state, server state, or both. This parameter can be one or both of the following flag values.


The sync state was based on the client state.


The sync state was based on the server state.

[in] state

A value from the OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_STATE enumeration indicating the state of the item in conflict.

[in] fChangeDetails

In cases where the state code indicates a change in item state, this value describes the change in further detail. The value can be either OFFLINEFILES_CHANGES_NONE (0x00000000) or one or more of the following flag values:


Local file size has changed.


Local file attributes have changed.


Local file change time has changed.


Remote file size has changed.


Remote file attributes have changed.


Remote file change time has changed.

[out] pConflictResolution

Receives the desired resolution code. Specify a value from the OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONFLICT_RESOLVE enumeration.

[out] ppszNewName

If the value of the pConflictResolution parameter is OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONFLICT_RESOLVE_KEEPALLCHANGES, the conflict handler must provide a new name for the item. This new name is used for the new copies created remotely and locally. Note that this is a file name, not a fully qualified path.

The name string must be allocated using CoTaskMemAlloc.

This parameter may be NULL if a new name is not required by the resolution.

The Offline Files conflict handler used by Sync Center creates a name of the following format:

<original name> (<user name> vN).<original ext>

where N is a version number. Therefore, if the original file name is "samples.doc" and the user's name is "Alice", the new file name will be:

"samples (Alice v1).doc"

If a file of that name exists the Offline Files conflict handler increments N until a unique name is found, for example:

  • samples (Alice v2).doc
  • samples (Alice v3).doc
This description is provided only to illustrate how the Offline Files conflict handler in Sync Center creates new file names. An implementation of IOfflineFilesSyncConflictHandler is free to use any name format that it wishes to define.

Return value

The return value is ignored.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header cscobj.h
DLL CscSvc.dll; CscObj.dll

See also
