LPDHCP_ENTRY_POINT_FUNC callback function (dhcpssdk.h)

The DhcpServerCalloutEntry function is called by Microsoft DHCP Server to initialize a third-party DLL, and to discover for which events the third-party DLL wants notification. The DhcpServerCalloutEntry function is implemented by third-party DLLs.



DWORD LpdhcpEntryPointFunc(
  [in]  LPWSTR ChainDlls,
  [in]  DWORD CalloutVersion,


[in] ChainDlls

Collection of remaining third-party DLLs that provided registry entries requesting notification of DHCP Server events, in REG_MULTI_SZ format.

[in] CalloutVersion

Version of the DHCP Server API that the third-party DLL is expected to support. The current version number is zero.

[out] CalloutTbl

Cumulative set of notification hooks requested by all third-party DLLs, in the form of a DHCP_CALLOUT_TABLE structure.

Return value

Return values are defined by the application providing the callback.


Upon successful loading of a third-party DLL, Microsoft DHCP Server calls the DLL's DhcpServerCalloutEntry function. If this function call succeeds, Microsoft DHCP Server does not attempt to load any further third-party DLLs, and instead passes the list of remaining third-party DLLs in the ChainDlls parameter. It is the responsibility of the loaded third-party DLL to ensure that:

  • other third-party DLLs are loaded
  • their DhcpServerCalloutEntry function called
  • the merged list of requested notification entry points are returned to Microsoft DHCP Server in the CalloutTbl parameter.
The initially loaded third-party DLL is responsible for maintaining a table of cumulative notification entry points, and upon notification of a particular event, must call all chained third-party DLLs before returning to Microsoft DHCP Server.
Note  For version negotiation, Microsoft DHCP Server may call the DhcpServerCalloutEntry function until a compatible version is found.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header dhcpssdk.h

See also

Chaining Multiple Third-Party DLLs


Registry Value Types