IFaxDevice interface (faxcomex.h)

The IFaxDevice interface defines a configuration object used by a fax client application to retrieve and set fax device information, and to add and remove fax routing methods associated with a fax device. The object also includes methods to retrieve and set extension configuration properties stored at the device level. The object defined by the IFaxDevice interface represents a single device associated with a fax server.


The IFaxDevice interface inherits from the IDispatch interface. IFaxDevice also has these types of members:


The IFaxDevice interface has these methods.


The IFaxDevice::AnswerCall method causes the fax device to answer an incoming call.

The IFaxDevice::get_CSID property is a null-terminated string that contains the called station identifier (CSID) for the device. (Get)

The IFaxDevice::get_Description property is a null-terminated string that contains a user-friendly description for the fax device. This string is suitable for display to users. (Get)

The IFaxDevice::get_DeviceName property is a null-terminated string that contains the name of the fax device.

The Id IFaxDevice::get_Id is a numeric value that uniquely identifies a fax device.

The IFaxDevice::get_PoweredOff property is a Boolean value that indicates whether the fax device is currently available for sending and receiving faxes.

The IFaxDevice::get_ProviderUniqueName property is a null-terminated string that contains the unique name for the fax service provider (FSP) associated with the device.

The ReceiveMode property is a value from the FAX_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE_ENUM enumeration that defines the way a device answers an incoming call. (Get)

The IFaxDevice::get_ReceivingNow property is a Boolean value that indicates whether the fax device is receiving a fax at the moment the property is retrieved (the status could change immediately thereafter).

The IFaxDevice::get_RingingNow property is a Boolean value that indicates whether the fax device is ringing at the moment the property is retrieved (the status could change immediately thereafter).

The IFaxDevice::get_RingsBeforeAnswer property is a number that specifies the number of rings that occur before the fax device answers an incoming fax call. (Get)

The IFaxDevice::get_SendEnabled property is a Boolean value that indicates whether the fax device is enabled for sending faxes. (Get)

The IFaxDevice::get_SendingNow property is a Boolean value that indicates whether the fax device is sending a fax at the moment the property is retrieved (the status could change immediately thereafter).

The IFaxDevice::get_TSID property is a null-terminated string that contains the transmitting station identifier (TSID) for the device. (Get)

The IFaxDevice::get_UsedRoutingMethods property is an array of strings that contains the GUIDs associated with the routing methods that the device uses, where each GUID represents an inbound routing method (FaxInboundRoutingMethod).

The IFaxDevice::get_GetExtensionProperty method retrieves an extension configuration property stored at the device level.

The IFaxDevice::get_CSID property is a null-terminated string that contains the called station identifier (CSID) for the device. (Put)

The IFaxDevice::get_Description property is a null-terminated string that contains a user-friendly description for the fax device. This string is suitable for display to users. (Put)

The ReceiveMode property is a value from the FAX_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE_ENUM enumeration that defines the way a device answers an incoming call. (Put)

The IFaxDevice::get_RingsBeforeAnswer property is a number that specifies the number of rings that occur before the fax device answers an incoming fax call. (Put)

The IFaxDevice::get_SendEnabled property is a Boolean value that indicates whether the fax device is enabled for sending faxes. (Put)

The IFaxDevice::get_TSID property is a null-terminated string that contains the transmitting station identifier (TSID) for the device. (Put)

The IFaxDevice::Refresh method refreshes FaxDevice object information from the fax server. When the IFaxDevice::Refresh method is called, any configuration changes made after the last IFaxDevice::Save method call are lost.

The IFaxDevice::Save method saves the FaxDevice object's data.

The IFaxDevice::SetExtensionProperty method stores an extension configuration property at the device level.

The IFaxDevice::UseRoutingMethod method adds an inbound fax routing method to or removes a fax routing method (FaxInboundRoutingMethod) from the list of routing methods associated with the fax device.


A default implementation of IFaxDevice is provided as the FaxDevice object.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header faxcomex.h